Saturday, March 13, 2010

Nor'easter Rips The Mid Atlantic States

The winter of 2009-10 isn't quite over yet. Two storm systems have combined off the Atlantic coast produce a massive nor'easter with torrential rain and near hurricane force gusts.

The good news its rain, not snow....but the bad news is the ground has been saturated by record breaking snowfall in February and trees are coming down in my Central New Jersey neighborhood. Just minutes ago a fir tree belonging to the neighbor behind me was uprooted and came crashing down into his swimming pool. Another tree came down in pieces across the street.

To be honest....this is getting to be a little bit unnerving.

Of course, THE WEATHER CHANNEL went to their infotainment weekend programming while we're close to being in an emergency situation....nice work!

So far the rain has been two plus inches, but with no let up in sight until Monday...that may not seem like alot of precipitation but again, there is no where else for the water to go.

I did a quick look around the yard- I don't think the house is in any imminent danger, and we are on high ground- flooding will not be a factor on this end but the damaging winds have me very concerned.

Got my flashlight and candles......I'll be back.


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