Thursday, March 25, 2010

Life In The Totalitarian State; Day Three

Some conservative pundits have stated that the enactment of the HealthCare Reform Bill would lead to socialism and totalitarianism in the United States. This is my on going diary charting life under the boot of American totalitarianism.

I had a bad night last night, sleepless with much tossing and turning. I was pondering this question....

When the Republicans in Congress get a bill passed over the objections of congressional Democrats, its called "the majority rules".

When Democrats in Congress get a bill passed over the objections of of congressional Republicans, its called "totalitarianism".

Is that a particular instance...a bill passed with not one Republican in either the House or Senate voting for it?

In other news...the sun came out this morning, the earth is still rotating on its axis, and "Octo-Mom" has yet to give birth to a few more kids. And still no sign of those storm troopers who are going to bash down our doors.

But its early.

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