Thursday, March 25, 2010

Daily Kos: Cantor's story unravels

Republican House Minority Whip Eric Cantor has accused Democratic leadership of "fanning the flames" in the wake of at least ten acts of vandalism or menacing threats geared at Democratic lawmakers after the passage of the Healthcare Reform Bill this weekend.

Cantor also stated that his office in Richmond was fired on when a a bullet struck a window last week.

But there is a problem with this story...the police have said that the window was struck with a downward spiral, meaning it was shot into the air, and it minimizes the chances that Cantor's office was the intended target.

I guess its time for a new "Magic Bullet" for the 21st Century.

(DISCLAIMER!!!!.....In no way am I advocating indiscriminately  shooting bullets, arrows, slingshots, etc into the air in the vicinity of Congressmen or any elected official, or any other creature living or dead. Amen)

READ MORE....from Daily Kos

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