Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My Big Secret Is Out!

I have wanted to talk about this to my readers for several months now, and its time. Many of you know that I was an Air Force veteran. While serving my country, I discovered something about myself.

That is....I am not really me.

I wanted to be a I did it.

The first phase is over- as you can see in the picture above, the estrogen therapy has worked. "Eugenia" will have to live with those "pesky round things" for a year or so, until its time for snip-snip.

Anyway, its time for Jeanne Bice and QUACKER FACTORY on QVC. I just LOVE her bandanna, must have one.

Does anyone have an idea about where to by swimwear for a lady of a "certain age"...its so funny having to say that! I hope this isn't too much for some of my long time readers to take...but if it is, there is only one more thing I want to say....

(Sigh) don't you feel stupid for even bothering to read this idiotic post?

I would!

Have a good one!!!!

BTW....the song leading off the PLAYLIST- "The April Fool" by Pete Townshend and the late, great Ronnie Lane (formerly of Small Faces and Faces).

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