Monday, August 2, 2010

What Wrath Hath Athens Begat? Whoaaaa Chill!....Party On Dude!

Socrates, Plato, Aristotle.....the Parthenon and the Atheneum...the Birth Place of Democracy....

And it's the where the "Best Party School" in America is located.

Well....not exactly. We're talking about the Greek city's namesake, Athens, GA and the University of Georgia, which The Princeton Review has ranked #1 in it's annual survey, which they have been selecting since 1992. There are 100 bars locally, and the partying goes on from August to May, and weekends begin on Thursday nights.

So here's the countdown of the nine runners-up.

10. DePauw University
9. University of Iowa
8. University of California – Santa Barbara
7. University of Florida
6. University of Texas at Austin
5. University of Mississippi
4. West Virginia University- (let's hear it for The Big East!)
3. Penn State

And the runnerup to the University of Georgia is......

2. Ohio University

Just a coincidence.....or maybe some karma....Ohio University is also located in a town called Athens (I'm shocked Richard....SHOCKED). And it is the alma mater of such such notables as baseball's Mike Schmidt, the TODAY SHOW's Matt Lauer, FOX NEWS' Roger Ailes (sigh)......and my niece.

Ohio U was ranked #1 during her senior year; then she graduated and the partying Bobcats tumbled in the rankings. She survived it and is now a happily married, responsible homeowner and a young professional. Where did we go wrong?

For the record (#1), Brigham Young University was voted "Stone-Cold Sober Schools" for the 13th consecutive year. Insert your own joke.

For the record (#2), The Princeton Review is not affiliated with Princeton University. It is based in Massachusetts, and it's a company that specializes in books and test preparation courses.

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