Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Quick Hits For February 2, 2010- Groundhog Day Edition

Saturday I was going to catch up on some of the latest news, including Presidents Obama's amazing performance on Friday.....but my cable modem had other ideas.

So lets catch some "brain droppings" in this new edition of "Quick Hits".

(1). On Friday we were given some remarkable theater when President Obama went to a meeting of 140 Republican House members with cable news channels covering the event live- that is, until FOX News broke away when it became apparent that the GOP was getting an old fashioned ass kickin'. This reminded me of a classic western movie when the sheriff (played by Henry Fonda) stands in front of his jail, alone except for his trusty shotgun, and stares down the angry lynch mob and wins the day for truth and justice in America. Amen!

Some Republican leaders told media members off the record that allowing live cameras at the meeting was a huge tactical blunder on their part. The odds were 140 to one but Obama again showed why he is the President- with the camera's rolling and the nation watching he again demonstrated that he was the smartest guy in the room. President Obama confronted critics from the GOP who spend much time, energy, and campaign contributions attempting to demonize him....and laid his cards on the table.

(2). And about FOX NEWS breaking away from the President and the GOP's meeting on Friday. Sunday morning on ABC's This Week Fox News chief Roger Ailes was asked by roundtable panelist Ariana Huffington why Fox stopped their live coverage and switched over to studio commentary. Ailes asnwered "Because Fox is the most trusted name in news".

Its not about news or trustworthiness.....its about ratings.

(3). And speaking of FOX...."the most trusted name in news" even found its way into the Miss America Pageant, where current FOX AND FRIENDS host and former Miss America Gretchen Carlson served as an on stage co-host. Sitting on the panel of judges was a man who has openly rooted on the President of the United States to fail, who has told his listeners not to contribute to Haitian relief, and has questioned climate change and global warming.

That's right. Rush Limbaugh was a Miss America judge.

One of the Miss America platforms is "going green". And there was a call during the broadcast for contributions for the relief of earthquake ravaged Haiti.

Does anybody else see just a little irony here?

When the Miss America Organization signed on Limbaugh, it might as well be for life. Could you imagine the verbal pounding they would get if they ever tried to dump him? He'd be calling them the biggest Bolsheviks since 1917, and a threat to truth, justice and his version of the American Way.

Oh yeah, I forgot....its about ratings.


(4) Rex Ryan.....the New York Jets head coach has apologized for flipping the bird to razzing Miami Dolphin fans when Ryan was in South Florida recently. Tennessee Titans owner Bud Adams was fined $250,000 for doing a two handed flip-off of Buffalo Bills fans by Commissioner Roger Goodell.

Adams was guilty of multiple two handed flips while Ryan, to the best of our knowledge, only gave a single solitary flip. I counted six flips for Bud, only one for Rex. So if six flips costs 250K, I guess Ryan's Birdie is worth....rounding off....call it 50 grand.

(5). Finally....Punxsutawney Phil was awakened by those idiot humans with top hats, with cameras rolling , and saw his shadow.

The "Seer of Seers, Prognosticator of all Prognosticators" has spoken.....well sort of.

Time to wash me long johns.

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