Thursday, May 19, 2011

A Stormy 19th Day Of May In Texas Worrying About Rick Perry Becoming President

May 19 appeared to me to be starting off portending stormy weather, when I stepped outside to retrieve my swimming suit.

When I woke up my computer the stormy assessment was confirmed with the prediction a strong thunderstorm for later today.

This morning I read that speculation that a potential presidential run by Texas Governor Rick Perry may pick up steam after Rush Limbaugh, on his Wednesday radio show, gave Perry a plug, including among Perry's assets that, "He has great hair."

I really don't think America has had enough rest from the last president Texas provided America. Every time Texas gives the country a president America ends up in a war. With Lyndon Baines Johnson it was the Vietnam War. With the first President Bush it was the first Iraq War. With the second President Bush it was another Iraq War, plus a war in Afghanistan.

I really think it's time to give peace a chance. American kids in the 12 years old range have never known an America that is not at war. That can't be good to have an entire generation growing up who think perpetual war is the natural state of affairs.

Switching from war to drought.

North Texas has been in drought mode for awhile now. Meanwhile, up in the Pacific Northwest, they have been in anti-drought mode for awhile now.

So much rain has been falling on the Pacific Northwest that all the rivers are running high, which has hydroelectric generation running high, which has the Pacific Northwest getting most of its electric power from the dammed rivers.

Which led, yesterday, to the Pacific Northwest's wind farms being turned off or scaled back.

Which had me wondering, why can't the wind farms keep spinning? With the Bonneville Power Administration selling the excess electricity to elsewhere on the grid?

I really have no understanding of how the power grid works. I am grateful that it has been 6 days since my power in Texas has gone out.

It is time to go swimming now and worry about the troublesome concept of Rick Perry becoming president.

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