Friday, May 13, 2011

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  • edifyingGerbil
    Apr 24, 12:48 PM
    Blasphemy is only one aspect of religious control and oppression in society.

    While faith is used as the reason behind the denial of rights associated with sexuality, family planning, education, electoral representation, it's ridiculous to pretend that Western Christianity is any more benign than Islam. You just notice it less, because your culture is steeped in it.

    You're wrong, Christianity (either Western or Eastern) is categorically more benign (as is Judaism). This is because of various reasons but mainly:

    1. The Qur'an is considered the literal word of God, thus to go against any Qur'anic teachings (such as slay the infidel wher'er ye may find him or strike terror in the hearts of the enemy of Islam) is considered blasphemy in a way that the Bible is not (because the Bible is not considered the literal word of God.)

    2. The Qur'an exhorts its votaries to follow muhammad's example because he is the perfect man and that anyone who obeys muhammad obeys allah. That's why Bangladeshis are protesting the outlawing of child marriage (older men marrying girls as young as 6) because they say to ban it is to criticise muhammad (who married Aisha when she was 6 and consummated it when she was 9), which is blasphemy.

    Your points about faith being used for the denial of rights may be pertinent for the US but the US is not the only Western Democracy. Abortion is legal here in Europe, even Italy and Greece.

    It sounds like you're extremely ignorant and refuse to be enlightened. That's your choice but the last thing I'll say in the matter is you're a fool if you think you should enable islam or defend it. I'd rather all religions be abolished than Islam gain dominance. Hell, I'd rather the world be destroyed in a nuclear holocaust than Islam ascend any more than it has already. Islam is poisonous to freedom.

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  • Ca$hflow
    Apr 9, 06:36 AM
    Also, the next Apple TV will be...a fully fledged games console in disguise.:cool:

    With integrated graphics.:p:p:p

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  • ezekielrage_99
    Sep 26, 12:30 AM
    What the hell am I going to do with 8 cores??? :-D

    Play WoW and CoD...... :confused:

    That's what I was thinking of ;)

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  • toddybody
    Apr 15, 09:34 AM
    I have a couple problems with this approach. There's so much attention brought to this issue of specifically gay bullying that it's hard to see this outside of the framework of identity politics.

    Where's the videos and support for fat kids being bullied? Aren't they suicidal, too, or are we saying here that gays have a particular emotional defect and weakness? They're not strong enough to tough this out? Is that the image the gay community wants to promote?

    Man, being a fat kid in high school. That was rough. There were a number of cool, popular gay guys in my school. I'm sure they took some crap from some people, but oh how I would have rather been one of them! But hey, I'm still here, I'm still alive.

    Bullying is a universal problem that affects just about anyone with some kind of difference others choose to pick on. It seems like everyone is just ignoring all that for this hip, trendy cause.

    Ehh...I agree with you that bullying period, causes alot of pain. The only difference is, you can do situps to "fit in"...these kids are who they are. Kinda Apples and Oranges

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  • AidenShaw
    Sep 24, 10:45 PM
    The use of the hard drive is most likely for cache to buffer the stream on an unstable 80211 connection.
    Considering all the posts to this point, I'm inclined to believe that the "hard drive" might just be some flash memory.

    Iger is not a super-geek - he could easily have said "hard drive" to mean some non-volatile memory.

    In other words, the iTV is not a media hub - but it is able to do some buffering of the content.

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  • rtdunham
    Sep 22, 11:33 PM
    I'm not seeing any consensus interpretation that suggests anything of the sort. I can also say with some certainty that the hard drive is "not just for buffering"...It makes no sense for Apple to sell an STB that requires a computer...there's absolutely nothing about the iTV that suggests it's some pricy bolt-on for an existing multimedia computer installation. There'd have been no point in pre-announcing it if it was, and it'd be a complete disaster if it were.

    Perhaps we've just been exposed to different sources of info. I viewed the sept 12 presentation in its entirety, and have read virtually all the reports and comments on macrumors, appleinsider, think secret, engadget, the wall street journal, and maccentral, among others. It was disney chief bob iger who was quoted saying iTV had a hard drive; that was generally interpreted (except by maccentral, which took the statement literally) to mean it had some sort of storage, be it flash or a small HD, and that it would be for buffering/caching to allow streaming of huge files at relatively slow (for the purpose) wireless speeds.

    I'm perfectly willing to be wrong. But i don't think i am. Let's continue reading the reports and revisit this subject here in a day or two.

    I can understand Job's being vague about whether it'll have 802.11g or n. But wouldn't it be nice if, ten days after the product was "revealed", we at least knew WHAT it was (HD or not? etc.) and HOW it will work (still many questions about that). Talk about an RDF!

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  • puuukeey
    Sep 12, 04:22 PM
    I just hope it gets hacked so 3rd parties can add functionality to it. (unlike front row)

    video chat
    screen savers
    3rd party applications
    3rd party streaming media formats
    keyboard and mouse.
    larger remotes.

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  • digitalbiker
    Sep 12, 04:31 PM
    I'd like nothing better than to be able to dump Comcast completely, but without the ability to watch live sports, it's a no-go. If they start streaming games for a couple bucks, I'd definitely take a look at it.

    -- Any regular-season game from any sport = $1.99

    -- Any playoff game from any sport = $2.99

    -- NFL season pass (1 team, 16 games) = $30

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  • Xtremehkr
    Mar 18, 07:09 PM
    I can understand why people would think this is a good thing. But at the same time, there are consequences for Apple. Apple sells others peoples songs, if they thought that selling to Apple would mean that their songs could be immediately transfered to P2P outlets they would be reluctant to supply ITMS with any songs.

    When it comes to picking ITMS over a different outlet, the amount of available content has a lot to do with it.

    I am really curious about who is behind this new group. This software is a poison pill for ITMS, as far as label owners are concerned.

    Steve was just in the news for sending an email claiming that a rivals software was easily hacked in order to bypass the restrictions in place to prevent downloaders from freely sharing the music they have purchased.

    This smacks of corporate skullduggery at its worst.

    On a positive note, it proves that Apple is the company to go after in this area.

    On the other hand, Apple needs to step up and protect its interests in this area.

    For some reason, 'PlaysForSure' keeps coming to mind.

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  • Keebler
    Apr 12, 11:11 PM
    i'm liking the looks so far. being able to make my simple edits while importing more tapes is a huge time saver, let alone having the ability to render in the background as well.

    unless i missed it, they never mentioned anything about the exporting capabilities which is understandable given it's an editing tool.

    BUT, seeing the re-org and new features, it gives me hope that a similar reboot of compressor for exporting is on the horizon (ie. fully utilizing all cores and 64 bit mode :)

    I don't do much in the way of full bore editing. i transfer people's home movies on reel and tape so the edits are usually basic in nature by removing footage or adding a title. The changes will help me without a doubt.

    I do agree with the notion that no software makes an editor better. I would say it's the creativity of choosing the right angles, the timing of shots, a feel for what the director is after, capturing the right moments etc....

    FCPX looks like it will help those editors achieve what they want faster and more efficiently. kudos to that! :)

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  • matticus008
    Mar 20, 04:59 AM
    It is nice that some folks here feel they know the "law". Look at the world your "law" has created. Look back in history and review what "law" has allowed humans to do to other humans and our planet.

    Personally, I stand for moral relativism every day. It is more important to me that individuals make decisions based on what they feel - individually - are right and wrong. I am glad that some here believe blindly following the "law" keeps them safe both morally and in the eyes of our fine government.

    But let me ask you this... in your soul (if you believe in such things), do you really believe it is "wrong" to purchase a song off the iTMS without DRM? I am all for breaking the "law" as long as you know the consequences.

    As the argument for abortion rights goes; "Against abortion? Don't have one." If you are a Linux sysadmin and do not agree that using this app is "good", then do not use it. And I applaud your efforts to sway people to your logic and world view. But at the end of the day, every person must sleep with themselves and must make up their own minds as to what to do. I am glad that people here care enough to talk about this issue in the hopes of finding where they stand.


    Those arguing for the supremacy of "laws" over moral reason simply hide the fact that they are dividing humans from one another. If you choose to abide by a law, do so. But do not confuse your knowledge of what the law states with a morally superior stance.

    It's not "law," it's law. You live in a country, I presume? That means you're bound to the laws of your government, whether you find them morally sound or not. If you don't agree with the laws, renounce your citizenship and start your own community. It's great that you have morals and that they drive you to an understanding of what is acceptable, but your morality does not place you above the law. Law is a common morality imposed to preserve order and protect rights. It's not perfect all the time, but neither is human reasoning (including morality). People cannot make decisions based on their personal beliefs and just what they can do, as this causes the strong to dominate the weak. Basic social theory. Law and governance serve to protect rights and to act as a guardian against actions that harm others. Acting based on the Will to Power will divide the strong from the weak, causing even greater "division" among people. The same reasoning you use for your position can be used against your position--the common logical fallacy of ignorance.

    Do not confuse your personal beliefs with supremacy over the law. If you know the law, know the consequences of breaking the law, and still choose to do so, that's your decision as an individual. You might not think that it was wrong to do what you did, but correctness is not solely up to you. We do not live in a Nietzschean world, and if the government finds you in violation of laws, you must face the consequences. This software is wrong because it breaks laws and furthermore is used to gain something to which you are not entitled (which is wrong, even without the multiple laws saying so).

    People will do what they choose, whether it's right or wrong. Doing the right thing is easy enough. But if it's wrong, they'll attempt to rationalize until they arrive at a way for them to believe it was right, or they'll justify the decision based on a series of other evils/corruptions to cloak the decision in a grey area. Neither changes the reality or frees you from the consequences or potential consequences.

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  • samcraig
    Mar 18, 11:15 AM
    This. I wouldn't mind paying a bit more for tethering, but the $20/mo extra or nothing is really unacceptable. For those of us who only tethering sporadically, it's really a waste of money paying $20/mo. If the carriers really want an extra revenue stream from tethering, they should have different options available.

    I would easily pay $5-10 more a month for 1GB of tethering data, and for those who want 2+ gigs for tethering, then $20/mo is fine. They really need a lower option.

    Damned if they do and damned if they don't, aye?

    When ATT provides options (whether you like them or not) - you have a choice. You can either choose to take advantage of the options, not use them, buck the system and deal with the consequence, or terminate your agreement and move to another company.

    When they didn't provide options- people were up in arms over not having any choices..

    Everyone can be an armchair critic, lawyer, etc... I would imagine that few if ANYone here is qualified to determine what ATT (or other carriers) can or cannot/should or should not do when it comes to their business model. You speak (naturally so) for yourself and some of your fellow customers.

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  • Backtothemac
    Oct 11, 12:49 PM
    Originally posted by Inhale420

    you gotta be ****ing kidding me. it's so amusing to witness the brainwashed and ignorant roam the earth. yes, i use the latest version of ie and browse these forums 10x faster than whatever mac browser you're using. i only have the default ie on my mac, because there's no point in installing other browsers when you have a pc.

    i also have a hell of an easier time developing for the web using the tabbeb-based version of dreamweaver and coldfusion studio. i export 3ds artwork to flash, and the performance of my 2 year old 1ghz athlon is amazing. and when i'm done with work, I USE MY PC AS A GAME MACHINE. the only reason i have a mac, is because i really want to use them for 2d graphics, but apple really ****ing do something brilliant if they expect me to upgrade.

    so can you explain what you mean by 'not recognizing' windows? that statement made absolutely NO sense. don't be such a bigot.

    And I care why? It doesn't matter how fast you can surf on your PC. I can get around fast enough on my Mac. People who say Mac's are too slow are the same people that never take the time to watch a sunset or spend a day with their kid.

    They are fast enough. They do what they are supposed to do the way they are supposed to do it.

    The don't crash, don't get viruses, and don't look like something from the 1980s!

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  • Kissaragi
    Apr 6, 09:14 AM
    Theres alway the 14 day return period too if you dont like your mac.

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  • MacAddict1978
    Apr 15, 11:05 AM
    I have a couple problems with this approach. There's so much attention brought to this issue of specifically gay bullying that it's hard to see this outside of the framework of identity politics.

    Where's the videos and support for fat kids being bullied? Aren't they suicidal, too, or are we saying here that gays have a particular emotional defect and weakness? They're not strong enough to tough this out? Is that the image the gay community wants to promote?

    Man, being a fat kid in high school. That was rough. There were a number of cool, popular gay guys in my school. I'm sure they took some crap from some people, but oh how I would have rather been one of them! But hey, I'm still here, I'm still alive.

    Bullying is a universal problem that affects just about anyone with some kind of difference others choose to pick on. It seems like everyone is just ignoring all that for this hip, trendy cause.

    It's rotten to pick on anyone. However,it's very rare that someone is medically over weight because of a condition. I got rather heavy in my lifetime, but see, I can get off my lazy butt and do something about that. I have a choice. If it is a medical issue, I have other options. Or I can make the best of my appearance, it's all on the outside. If people picked on me because of my weight, I could be motivated to maybe drop some pounds? Live better? It's like the kid that had millions of pimples (and I was that kid too). You can treat it and make it go away. Sorry pal, but no amount of weight lifting, dieting, or acne cream can change who you are. Someone can't go on a gay diet and make the gay go away. Did people hate you because of what you were born into, who you were? NO. Did you go home and wonder if you told you mom your ass got a little bigger she'd throw you into the street? And funny, but see if a teacher hears someone making fun of you, they'll do something about it. There are teachers who make fun of gay kids with students. Not to say there isn't a teacher who might think things about heavy kids too, but hatred and making fun of someone are very different. People hate you that don't even know you because they're taught to. You could go to the prom with whoever you wanted and not be afraid of it or told you're not allowed. They don't tell kids they can't go to the prom because they have a weight problem, but many schools tell gay kids they can't bring the date they want to.

    I'm not a special rights person. I'm an equal rights person, and that's missing. And as a kid that was fat, covered in pimples, and gay, I can only saw to have to deal with only being heavy would have been like a freaking dream! When you were in high school, did you see storeis about kids hung from trees because their peers lynched them for being over weight? I can't recall ever such a story, but I can think of at least 20 where gay kids were murdered out of hate. Truly, if being called fat ass was the worse thing I ever had to deal with, I'd be happy!

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  • dnedved
    Sep 12, 04:39 PM
    This is the device I've been waiting for 2+ years for Apple to come out with. Those who think this isn't a Tivo killer don't understand Tivo's plans. This hasn't just killed the current Tivo, this has killed the gen4 Tivo that isn't even out yet. It's stolen its thunder by at least a year if not much more.

    It's been obvious for awhile now that Tivo has been moving in their slow ponderous way towards a method of content delivery over internet. They have been doing it for ads for years now, and they want to do it with content so bad they can taste it. They hired a key guy from bittorrent several years ago, but haven't done anything impressive since. They want it, but with it taking them 3 years to go with cable card and dual tuner, they just aren't able to get their act together in time.

    Apple has played their cards exactly right. They've done what Tivo, Netflix, Microsoft, Sony, and Blockbuster would all give their collective left nut to do. They've done what every local cable company and even every media mogul SHOULD have been laying awake worrying about, which is to have made them irrelevant in one fell swoop. Not to every single consumer by a long shot, but to a significant demographic of tech-savvy consumers who know what they want and will shift paradigms to get it.

    As much as I want this right this very second, waiting for 802.11n is the right thing to do and I'm glad Apple did it. I don't have a TV, but I'll buy a 20" monitor and one of these the day it comes out. I'll buy a second one and a projector as soon as possible afterwards.

    This is going to be a much bigger deal than the iPod, and that's saying a lot.

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  • Mlrollin91
    May 5, 10:51 AM
    I'm in SoCal, when I was on Verizon I had 1-3 drop calls a week. I've been on AT&T for a little over 18 months, and have had 1 drop call. The conversation was over 2.5 hours as well, so something that long is bound to drop eventually.

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  • balamw
    Apr 6, 08:59 AM
    I am not a "switcher" per se, but I did spend 15 years using Microsoft OSes as my main OS from DOS all the way to Windows Vista. A lot of that time spent as a Windows evangelist. Today, all my Macs also run XP (for the 2006 iMac) or W7 for the newer boxes and I also own a Windows Home Server and a generic W7 desktop (though I specced it so it can run OS X via Kakewalk trivially should I ever want it to).

    OS X generally strikes a better balance for me than Windows. The default settings are good enough. I don't have a laundry list of things I have to tweak on a new system as I do on Windows. (Like making file extensions visible in Explorer).

    I came back to the Mac near the end of the PPC era. Vista was a miserable transition for me. My first upgrade went terribly and when I got it installed performance was atrocious. SP1 made that better. The fairly radical changes from XP about where settings were to be located, etc... also drove me to consider alternatives. If I have to learn all this stuff again, why don't I learn it on a Mac?

    Watching long term XP users when they first look at Vista or W7, I often see that same look of bewilderment as they have when they look at a Mac for the first time. Even though there is a lot that is the same, there is so much that seems fundamentally different.

    After years of custom building, tweaking and maintaining my computers, I finally had enough. I just want to use the darned thing, and Macs offer a tremendous out of box integrated experience. For me, iTunes was the gateway drug. When I finally gave in to letting iTunes be iTunes on my Windows box and let it manage my music, I realized how simple it could be. This led me to my first iPod and then to the iBook.

    The integrated hardware/software experience is a big part of the appeal of a Mac and all Apple products. You won't get this from a video or a post in a thread like this.

    I remember shocking my colleagues at work when we needed an 8 core box and I went to the Apple Store, walked out with a Mac Pro in less than 15 minutes, and had it fully functional with my MATLAB code utilizing all 8 cores in less than half an hour from unboxing. By that point our usual Dells would still be over in IT getting updates, tweaks, etc..

    I've replied to several of your threads, and have a request of you which I think is an important one in these questions.

    What do you DO with your Windows box. What applications are important to you? What is your typical workflow?

    This is a big one for seeing if a Mac will fit you or not and where you might find the biggest stumbling blocks.


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  • PDubNYC
    Sep 20, 10:05 AM
    actually... he doesn't indicate a HD... why? well the iTV (sorry, not really impressed with this name) streams media from your mac/pc trough wifi or ethernet... so if you buy an episode on iTunes... it will be stored in your iTunes library on the content-hosting mac/pc in your house and thus be available for iTV to play on your TV...

    since it has a USB port I guess it will be possible to attach a USB HD... and store files locally instead of on a remote mac/pc...

    From the linked article:
    "He said: "It can also stream it live through the box to the TV or it has a small hard drive on it so they can download what you put on the device on your computer, on your iTunes, through the television set."

    Sounds to me like he is very much indeed indicating that it has a hard drive. And iTV is a temporary name. Damn, you've got all of those computers, yet you are still so misinformed.

    Bill McEnaney
    Mar 27, 09:47 PM
    Dr. Spitzer is an intelligent, nonreligious psychiatrist who believes that some can change their sexual orientations.

    Apr 21, 06:16 PM
    Wondering why Android users are on a Mac forum?

    The discussion of who has the better device is useless.

    Whatever works for you is fine. Whatever works for me is fine.

    The day something really good comes out on either platform the media will report it , we will see advertising and we can read reviews and check things out and decide what to buy next.

    Do I feel ghz or chip envy about standby time, camera resolution mp, or app availability?

    Couldn't care less, if my device does what I want it to do.

    So, Android guys, you have the best device if you decide so.

    No need to look at what Apple does. It will come to your device too, just a little later when the copies are ready.

    Perhaps they also own Macs, after all a lot of iPhone owners have Windows PCs.

    I have a Windows Phone 7 device and I own two Mac's - there seems to be this idea out there that if you own a Mac you must be 100% Apple in all devices used. Actually funny enough the positive experience I've had so far it might actually convert me to Windows 8 when it is released if Apple keeps getting distracted by pandering to the iOS crowd.

    What is wrong with Lil Wayne?


    It is as bad as one person complaining about iTunes organising of their files given most of their music is 'herp feat. derp'. I think there are greater issues at stake than how iTunes organises ones music.

    I keep hearing this, but in just over 10 years now, I have yet to see one virus -- you know, a self-propagating piece of software (not counting trojans or user-initiated apps). For all the IT "geniuses" on this board, you obviously ALL failed statistics (because OS X should not have a virus count == 0, but it does).

    Unfortunately we have a whole heap of 'computer experts' on this forum who attach 'virus' onto anything they want whilst ignoring there is a huge difference between a malware and a virus.

    Oct 25, 11:51 PM
    I personally really want this revision to made before the holiday season. I'm really in the market for a Mac-Pro and this would be the perfect Christmas/Birthday Gift. It would really upset me to get one and then shortly after Christmas the update it made. I think Apple needs to make better marketing decisions as to when the update their product lines.

    Apr 12, 11:00 PM
    Steve Jobs said the new version would be "awesome," well I disagree. He was completely wrong... IT IS FREAKIN' ASTOUNDING! Bravo Apple!


    Yes, this is a great update for FCP. And the $299 price tag makes it that much more "astounding" so I don't know why some people here are bemoaning this release.

    Apr 28, 08:06 AM
    The real facts are its only a report. The bottom line is Apple is stronger than ever and doing a great job.

    That's all that matters to me.

    One look at the stock price reminds me of how fortunate I was to get in when shares were selling for under $20.00

    Its been a good ride.

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