Thursday, October 7, 2010

Think Progress » Exclusive: Foreign-Funded ‘U.S.’ Chamber Of Commerce Running Partisan Attack Ads

It looks like it's official.

The government of the United States is up for sale. If the reports are true that the US Chamber of Commerce is funneling tens of millions of dollars into the midterm elections- much of it from foreign corporations- then the fears of a takeover of our government by foreign entities isn't crazy paranoid talk, it is a distinct possibility.

How does that affect you and me? Here's one hypothetical scenario.

If fictional Corporation Z based in Germany (a nation that has a national health system payed by tax dollars) doesn't want to pay a benefits package to it's workers in Kalamazoo,MI, they can funnel big bucks into the campaigns of friendly politicians in the Michigan, for example. In this world of quid pro quo these "friends" would do their best to help Corporation Z's bottomline. That might mean downsizing the plant in Kalamazoo and sending those jobs to Germany, or finding ways to get the plant closed entirely under the mantle of "free enterprise".

But the real bottomline is that most of the rest of the industrialized world plays under a different set of rules that protects jobs in their nations, while we see plant closures and job loss, and protection of corporate interest rather than of the jobs of those people who actually do the work.

What in God's name ever happened to the concept of economic patriotism?

Read more, from Think Progress.

Think Progress » Exclusive: Foreign-Funded ‘U.S.’ Chamber Of Commerce Running Partisan Attack Ads

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