Friday, October 15, 2010

Follow the Money (Part II) Chamber of Commerce Sponsors Attack Ad in New Jersey 12th District

Congressman Rush Holt, Democrat, New Jersey 12th District

A most topical political attack ad has been seen by thousands in Central New Jersey.

The fine print at the bottom of the ad tells this part of the story...."The US Chamber ( paid for and is responsible for the content of this ad. Not authorized by any candidate or any candidate's committee."

According to this advertisement, Republican candidate for the New Jersey 12th District, venture capitalist Scott Sipprelle, had nothing to do with an attack ad on his Democratic opponent, incumbent Rush Holt.

This ad has been airing on TV stations the New Jersey 12th District, which gerrymanders through of parts of Somerset, Monmouth, Middlesex and Mercer counties in that wonderful world between the New York and Philadelphia megalopolises we call "Central Jersey". And it's my home district.

Below is the ad in question.

Alright.... neither Mr. Sipprelle, the Republican Party, nor agents of the candidate or the party had anything to do with this attack ad. It's from the Chamber of Commerce- they take full credit for it. Either click the link, or type in the web addie at the end of the video. It's from the Chamber, let there be no doubt.

I have three questions, not as a Democrat, or a self styled "citizen journalist" but as a voter in the New Jersey 12th District....are the charges that foreign multi-national corporations are dumping perhaps millions of dollars into the Chamber of Commerce to produce attack ads like this one true?

And one has to ask....what is the motivation for a foreign company to weigh in financially in American elections unless it is to gain some sort of influence?

And finally, should a candidate who'd benefit from such ads repudiate them, if it can be determined that these ads are even partially paid for by foreign corporations who may have their own motives to support the ads?

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