Tuesday, March 1, 2011

54 Days Until The 2011 Prairie Fest On The Tandy Hills

It is 54 days until the 2011 Prairie Fest takes place on the Tandy Hills, also known as the "Best place to stand in North Texas," with the Prairie Fest known as Fort Worth's "Best Outdoor Cultural Event."

The Prairie Fest is a one day event. Mother Nature has been good to the Prairie Fest during a time of the year known for wild weather, like tornadoes and hail, in North Texas. The only bad Mother Nature behavior I have seen at a Prairie Fest has been wind gusts causing some trouble.

The Prairie Fest needs volunteers. Find out how you can help via Don Young's Prairie Fest message below...

Prairie Fest is a big 'ol sprawling event that's getting bigger (and better) every year. The thing is really a small city of 4,000+ people that we create for a single, ten hour event, one day a year, at the mercy of Mother Nature. Why would anyone do such nutty thing? We do it for one reason: 

-To bring awareness to Tandy Hills Natural Area in order to protect and restore it for you and your family for now and forever.  

We rely heavily on people like you to create and manage this small city on that one day. Will you spare a few hours on April 23rd to help out?  >>> EZ sign-up HERE.

"Ask not what Prairie Fest can do for you. Ask what you can do for Prairie Fest."

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