Saturday, May 21, 2011

Mayan Calendar

Harold Camping's May 21 Doomstay theory is spreading like wildfire, due to internet technology which contributes to lightning speed spreading of information.
It is now just one day away from what Camping proclaims is DOOMSDAY. Due to this hype, another extremely popular apolocalypse theory has been slightly shadowed: The Mayan Calendar's 2012 end of the world.
The Malan Calendar interprets that 2012 will be the End.
The Mayan civilization was extremely advanced in mathematics, engineering and astronomy, and also had an incredible understanding of time and space.
They used various calendars were in use to track time in linear progressions within cycles.
The "Great Cycle" of the "Long Count" calendar equates to 5,125.36 years.  The current Great Cycle is due to be completed on the winter solstice of 2012, December 21.  It has been interpreted that on this day, the Great Cycle ends, time ends, so the Earth must end as well.
Opinions differ on what this end date really means.
Some believe catastrophic events will take place in December 2012 with the ultimate destruction occurring on December 21, 2012.
Others interpret that this world will not end, but instead humanity will enter a new era marked by significant physical and mental changes.

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