Saturday, May 21, 2011

Christmas Island

It's long past 6 p.m. local time in the New Zealand and Christmas Island regions, and those areas are untouched by the huge earthquake that should have signaled Judgment Day. With that, the hashtag #RaptureFail is beginning to trend.
Harold Camping (shown), an Oakland, CA radio evangelist, had calculated that May 21, 2011 was to be the beginning of the end. True believers would be Raptured, swept up and saved while the rest would suffer through five months of wars, disasters, and worse, until October 21, 2011 when all would truly end.
Of course, there was that nasty Judgment Day of May 21, 2011 to worry about, first. Earthquakes would hit regions, one after another, based on local time: 6 p.m. exactly in each region. Yet, nothing has happened.
Unfortunately for Camping, with the advent of Twitter, word of his failed prediction spreads much quicker.  Here are some of the Tweets using the hashtag #RaptureFail:
  • nl2nz: Did you feel that huge 0.0 #eqnz at 6pm? Me #didnt #rapturefail
  • OGSasha: Jesus: 2 | Camping: 0 [a reference to Camping's incorrect 1994 prediction for the Rapture] best hide and seek game EVER! #rapturefail #athiestsarelaughing
  • bdoyle613: no earthquakes yet, except for the magnitude 0.0 earthquake felt around the entire world #RaptureFail
  • EbonyMcKenna: They said May 21 "the bible guarantees it". Let's launch a trade practices lawsuit ! #RaptureFail
Twitter user @RaptureFail has even built a map of RaptureFails. In other words, as the Rapture Fails in your region, you signup for an account on the website, including registering your location. The idea is to build up a picture of all the places in the world where Harold Camping’s prophecy has failed.
It appears that much as with many other predictions of the End of the World, "there's nothing to see here, move along, move along."
Now we just have to wait until Dec. 21, 2012 for the next End of the World prediction, this one via the Mayan calendar.

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