Thursday, March 31, 2011
1983 World Cup Final Date
World Cup 1983 which was also known as Prudential Cup. 1983 World cup was held in England and Won by India. 1983 World Cup was the third edition of this type of tournament. 1983 World Cup Final Date
Sakthi Movie Review
Sakthi Movie is going to be released today 1st April 2011. It is Jr. NTR’s new Film and hopefully will be blockbuster. Sakthi Movie is considered to be high budged movie as according to media Forty crores has been spent on it.Read More
April Fool Messages – April Fool SMS – April Fool Scraps – April Fool Greetings
April Fool is the day when people laugh on each other by joking each other. You can also make other laugh by April Fool Pranks. As this is advance time now people do April Fool Pranks through Mobile Phone by doing April Fool SMS and April Foo.. Read More
Yesterday in Beijing there was Press Conference of Film Founding of the party. One by One actors were called on stage. When one of the Charachter called on stage that Fainted. The Character was MICHELLE YE(Yip Shuen).Read More
The Tattooed Poets Project: Vicki Iorio
This poetic foot belongs to Vicki Iorio, a New York poet. She explains the tattoo:
"My group of Long Island poets have the pleasure of reading at the Wyld Chyld Cafe and Tattoo Parlor in Merrick, NY. I watched Tammy Nuzzo-Morgan, the poet laureate of Suffolk County get "poet" tattooed across her shoulder blades. [Tammy will be appearing on the site later this month.] She recited poetry while her back was bleeding, I knew at that moment I would have to get one!
It was a cold January night, Sixx tattooed my right foot with a beautiful scripted "poet." It was a beautiful moment and I love my tat and all it signifies. A slew of woman poets have been tattooed by Sixx. A tattooed sisterhood, indeed."Here is a poem from Vicki:
Tattoo 56
I will get a tattoo next birthday
no one will care
it won't be like birthday 13
when I dyed my hair purple on a shoplift heist
shaved off eyebrows
pierced frozen ears with a needle
hacked off bushy black fur under stockings
I will find an illustrated man
his head bald and shiny
eyes so blue I will see straight through
to his good heart, diamond stud in one ear
massive arms shocking to the touch.
My spider will go willingly to his fly.
I will tell him what I want
where I want it.
After validating plastic worth,
my pirate will lead me to his table
gift me with little hurts
celebrate me electrically
wrap me in gauze
sing the praises of Bacitracin
wish me a happy birthday.
Thanks to Vicki for sharing her poetic tattoo and tattoo poem with us here on Tattoosday!
If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.
On Top Of Mount Tandy Thinking About MHMR Thugs, The Main Street Arts Festival And The American Way As Opposed To The Fort Worth Way
It was a good thing to be back on the hills again. I'd not had that type salubrious aerobicizing since my vehicular malfunction on Monday.
I did not go swimming this morning. It is 75 right now coming up on half past 4 in the afternoon. I will be going swimming tomorrow morning.
Yesterday, about an hour before I was planning to take off for the Stagecoach Ballroom, I checked in on my Google Webmaster Tools to find a long long long list of errors generated from my Eyes on Texas website. It took me awhile to figure out what had happened and that it was no big deal.
Then today I got email from the Weatherford Chamber of Commerce telling me what the correct info is for this year's Parker County Peach Festival. I thought I had that up to date. I did not. It was the Sweetwater Rattlesnake Roundup that I'd recently updated.
This led me to realize that it is almost time for Fort Worth's Main Street Arts Festival. The date information for that one also needed updating. Fort Worth's biggest festival takes place April 14 - 17. The Fort Worth Main Street Arts Festival is something that Fort Worth does really well. Really.
I've heard no word from the Paradise Center as to whether they found a new home. This is the last day of the month. I believe by today the Paradise Center was told by the corrupt MHMR thugs that by today they had to have moved the POD storage container in which the MHMR thugs put all of the Paradise Center's property, after the MHMR thugs staged their coup d'tat, taking over the Paradise Center's facility.
The Paradise Center Scandal keeps seeming ever more bizarre to me. And ever more indicative that there is something really dire about the Fort Worth Way of operating. The problem with the Fort Worth Way came up at last night's TRIP meeting.
I have long opined that Fort Worth is badly damaged by not having a real newspaper. That fact was brought up last night in part of TRIP's "Up a Creek" movie. It pleased me to realize I am not the only one who realizes Fort Worth operates without a legitimate newspaper acting as the Fourth Estate advocate of the people in seeking truth, justice and the American Way.
The American Way. Not the Fort Worth Way.
Which is quasi-democratic and a really shameful spectacle to witness at times.
Like right now.
InkFest Live Tattoo Expo Hits Chicago May 13th-15th at Rosemont Convention.
InkFest Live, the Nations only urban influenced tattoo, graffiti and music expo invades Chicago, IL at Rosemont Convention May 13th-15th for their second stop in 2011! InkFest Live contributes their huge success to their one of a kind tattoo event matched by no other and Chicago will be no different.
InkFest Live, the Nations only urban influenced tattoo, graffiti and music expo invades Chicago, IL at Rosemont Convention May 13th-15th for their second stop in 2011. InkFest Live contributes their huge success to their one of a kind tattoo event matched by no other and Chicago will be no different. The IFL landscape will defiantly burn a lasting image in everyone's mind.
IFL is the only tattoo expo with an urban landscape that brings leading tattoo artists from around the world including LA Ink's Ruthless. Combined with graffiti demos on a huge 40ft wall, live musical performances by Chicago Native Na Palm on Friday May 13th along with Cutti Boy aka Mr. Nascar and Dead Sea Scrilla. InkFest Live doesn't stop there, as they will host DJ battles, B-Boy Battles by Poppin' Paul, Custom Cars & Bikes by Chii Racing Culture and of course what will an event be without GoGo Dancers.
Developed by industry veterans who felt it was time for a big change in the way professional tattoo artists and manufacturers of body art products display their goods. At InkFest Live attendees will mingle with top industry manufacturers, tattoo artists, vendors and celebrities. InkFest live captures the lifestyle side of the body art industry and will not fall short of anyones expectations. "I was tired of the same cookie cutter, boring tattoo events with no flavor, thus InkFest Live was born," says Jose A. Martinez Creator of InkFest Live, "I created an event for the collector to be able to choose from the best tattoo artist in world with top notch entertainment second to none." Jessica Renfro Operations Manager of InkFest Live commented "InkFest Live is the most professional tattoo expo company with a vast knowledge in the tattoo industry. InkFest Lives' professional image can be seen as soon as you go on our website and it doesn't stop there. Our top notch creative department is the best in the world along with our marketing and street team you can rest assured you will experience an event like no other." InkFest Live showcases the latest and future trends from the concrete jungle.
Tickets Available at or at the door
Friday $15 || Saturday $20 || Sunday $15 || Weekend Pass $35
Free Raffle Tickets to win Free Tattoos and Body Piercings with paid admission.
For more information about InkFest Live please visit their website for pictures and videos
Facebook Page
InkFest Live info(at)inkfestlive(dot)com - Toll Free 888.249.0364
InkFest Live Chicago May 13th-15th will be held at:
Donald E. Stephens Convention Center at Rosemont Convention
5555 N. River Road
Rosemont, IL 60018
Jose Martinez
InkFest Live
PR Web
Design blog blogs about designs on blogs
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'Alicante' clock with water feature, here |
"Many applications for a declaration of invalidity of a registered Community design (RCD) include evidence for prior designs in form of printouts from the Internet. This evidence is often rejected by the Invalidity Division ...on the ground that it does not prove the date of disclosure of the prior design ...
One way of adding credibility to evidence from the internet is the use of the Wayback Machine ( giving access to an Archive of web pages referring to the dates when the pages were published on the Internet .... Another way is to print the contents of the web pages with an indication of the date of the printing ....
However, the Archive is far from being complete and the printout may be too late, ... after the date of filing of the RCD. The problem is known not only to OHIM but also to other IP Offices, in particular the European Patent Office (EPO). In its Guidelines for Examination the EPO dedicates an entire Section to “Internet Disclosures” and the issue of establishing dates.
OHIM recently received an invalidity application where the novelty of RCD 1667049-0003 ... was contested on the basis of evidence for a prior design (photo below, right) posted on a web blog. Inspired by the Guidelines of the EPO [and how many people can write "Inspired by the Guidelines of the EPO" with a straight face?], the Invalidity Division ...reasoned in its decision (ICD 7178) that
There is a further point to bear in mind. Blog settings include a time-zone option, which sets the blog's "clock" for all posting purposes and which is not sensitive to the location of a blogger. I set my blogs to Greenwich Mean Time. However, if I'm posting in Hong Kong or California my blog posts can easily be accorded calendar dates earlier or later than that of actual posting.“as a matter of principle, disclosures on the Internet form part of the prior art. Information disclosed on the Internet or in online databases is considered to be publicly available as of the date the information was publicly posted. Internet websites often contain highly relevant information. Certain information may even be available only on the Internet from such websites. This includes, for example, online publications of design registrations by IP Offices.At the end, the Invalidity Division decided to declare the RCD invalid in view of the evidence derived from the Internet".
The nature of the Internet can make it difficult to establish the actual date on which information was made available to the public: for instance, not all web pages mention when they were published. Also, websites are easily updated, yet most do not provide any archive of previously displayed material, nor do they display records which enable members of the public - including examiners - to establish precisely what was published and when.
It is theoretically possible to manipulate the date and content of an Internet disclosure (as it is with traditional documents). However, in view of the sheer size and redundancy of the content available on the Internet, it is considered very unlikely that an Internet disclosure has been manipulated. Consequently, unless there are specific indications to the contrary, the date can be accepted as being correct [This would appear therefore to be a rebuttable evidential presumption].
In the present case of ICD 7178, the publication appeared on a blog with an exact indication of the date, even the time when it was put on the blog. It lies in the nature of a blog that it is addressed to the public and that the contributions published on a blog are dated exactly [these dates can be adjusted after the event, or indeed before it -- and a blogpost commenced and posted on one date but then recalled, edited and reposted on a later date will bear only the earlier date if Google's deafult settings are used on Blogger. But where the blog is available to readers via an email circular, the time and date of dispatch of the email circular can corroborate a contemporaneous blog post]. Consequently, there is no doubt that the prior designs shown were made available to the public prior at the date indicated in the blog which is a date more than 12 months prior to the date of filing of the RCD.”
Up Late On The Last Day Of March Thinking About Wildflowers, Sweet Tomatoes & Shooting Ronald Reagan
Which has me up well after the arrival of the sun has revealed that the last day of the month is a clear blue sky day, so far, in my zone of North Texas.
I am not going swimming this morning. It is only 42 degrees out there. I don't know if the 24 hour average has been over 50 degrees. I suspect not. I'm not in the mood for a shivering episode of the extreme trembles.
I learned, this morning, from one of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin's botanists, that this year's Texas wildflower crop will not be a bumper one.
I also learned that a Sweet Tomatoes restaurant is coming to Fort Worth. Sweet Tomatoes is a good thing. A really good thing. The Fort Worth Sweet Tomatoes will be among all the other restaurants in the booming Fort Worth zone of West 7th.
It was 30 years ago, yesterday, that Ronald Reagan was shot by a Jodie Foster addled crazy man. How can that be 3 decades ago? Time flies way way too fast.
Case in point, it is already past 8 this last morning of March of 2011. It is now time to go do something other than swimming. Like maybe have breakfast.
Tattoos I Know: Beth's Ink Ushers in the New Baseball Season
So, it seemed fitting that we share this tattoo, belonging to our cousin Beth:
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Photo by Melanie Cohen |
Beth is a diehard Yankees fan and she got this inked on September 16, 2005. For the record, the Yankees beat the Toronto Blue Jays north of the border that day 11-10 thanks, in part, to two Robinson Cano home runs and Mariano Rivera's 40th save of the year.
This is one of Beth's three tattoos, a fact not lost on me, as I have been wanting to post her ink on the site ever since we started back in 2007. However, we just never got around to it and this photo was shot last June in New Jersey by my wife, Melanie, at another cousin's baby shower. I thought, at the time, that we would save this picture for the day the Yankees won the World Series, but last year that ambition fell short in the ALCS. So we saved it for Opening Day, instead.
The tattoo was done by Thomi Hawk at K & B Tattooing & Piercing in Hightstown, New Jersey.
I should also add that, back in August 2007, I was sitting in my seat at PNC Bank Arts Center, between sets, when I noticed a very similar tattoo several rows ahead of me. I thought, "Man, that tattoo looks just like Beth's, and in the same spot [on her upper right back] too!" Of course, it was Beth, and we were both unaware that we were attending the show. And to think I spotted her in all that humanity by noticing her tattoo!
I mentioned at the top of the post that it being March 31, meant several things. Aside from Opening Day, it's also opening day for the inkspotting season, as far as I'm concerned. Posts have been few and far between over the past few months and that's about to change. Tomorrow begins National Poetry Month, and we will be embarking on our third annual Tattooed Poets Project: 30 days of tattoos from poets across the country. And, I will assume, that I'll be having regular Tattoosday encounters, which will reappear in May, throughout the month.
Play ball!
Thanks again to Beth for sharing her cool patriotic Yankees tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!
If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I Was Not Up A Creek Without A Paddle Tonight At The Stagecoach Ballroom In Fort Worth
I really did not know what to expect to see in tonight's movie premiere.
I knew, sort of, what the subject matter was, that being promoting an adult version of improving the Trinity River and its tributaries and actually doing something about the flooding problem, other than building the world's best artificial wakeboard lake.
And stopping the bizarre Trinity River Vision Boondoggle.
The movie starred a young lady from Haltom City named Layla Caraway. It tells the story of how it came to be that Ms. Caraway is so passionately fighting the bizarre political power structure that runs roughshod over Fort Worth and Tarrant County.
Or as one of the talking heads in the movie said, "Fort Worth, the eminent domain abuse capital of Texas."
No. I was not that talking head.
I must say, Don Woodard is a Fort Worth treasure. His letters to the editor of the Fort Worth Star-Telegram are great. But that man and his one-liners are even better. Clyde Picht is another Fort Worth Treasure.
There are a lot of Fort Worth treasures.
Unfortunately the current system of conducting business, in what is known as the Fort Worth Way, sort of stops Fort Worth's treasures from turning Fort Worth into the treasure it could be, rather than the poorly run company town it is.
Tonight, before the movie, while I hid in the dark, observing the crowd, a young lady approached me and asked if I was Durango. This type thing always makes me nervous, shy guy that I be. I said my name is not Durango. The young lady insisted that it was. And so I agreed. And then I learned it was she who emailed me today about something about Montana. It is from that email I know this was Georgia S. I met tonight.
I also met "Tarrant Liberty Guy" who had commented on my blogging earlier today about tonight's movie premiere, saying "Hope to see you and Ms. Hotpepper tonight!"
Well, Tarrant Liberty Guy saw me, but I don't know, for sure, if he saw Ms. Hotpepper.
"Up a Creek" will soon be available for viewing online. I'll direct you to that when it is ready to be viewed.
In the meantime, I've got myself a problem with a video of J.D. Granger, who was not at tonight's TRIP meeting movie premiere.
Ironic, because it is J.D. who is sort of up a creek. With no clue he is missing a paddle or two.
Don't Litter At Tonight's Fort Worth World Premiere Of TRIP's Up A Creek Movie Documentary
I went swimming (not in a creek) this morning, even though it was only 40 degrees. The water was warmer. I did not stay in the water long enough to induce a case of the shivering trembles.
I went to Oakland Lake Park at noon to walk around Fosdic Lake today.
I've long been amazed at these ugly green litter barrels that litter Oakland Lake Park, along with these worn paper messages stickered on the barrels, saying "Don't Litter - Put It in the Can! Keep Fort Worth Beautiful."
You'd need to click on the picture to enlarge it, but, ironically, there is litter on the ground between the two litter barrels you see in the picture. There is a lot of litter in Oakland Lake Park. A lot of the litter floats in Fosdic Lake. I suspect this type litter is some of what ends up in the Trinity River when it goes in to flood mode.
At least we now know it is all the litter that is what is keeping Fort Worth from being beautiful.
I suspect if you go to the Stagecoach Ballroom tonight you may learn more about the bad stuff that goes in to and gets done to the Trinity River by its many abusers.
The Stagecoach Ballroom is located at 2516 E. Belknap, aka 377, in Fort Worth, just a short distance northeast of The Smoke Pit, with The Smoke Pit being my favorite place to get BBQ, whilst served by scantily clad servers.
The Red Carpet for the movie premiere starts at 6:30, with "Up a Creek" screening at 7:00. To fortify yourself, for viewing the movie documentary, adult beverages will be available. I'll be in the VIP area signing autographs with Elsie Hotpepper. Or not. I've not decided yet.
Below is map that should help you find your way to the Stagecoach Ballroom....
Whassup? Me and My Dad
Remember me?
Its been more than a month since I seemingly vanished off the face of the earth....and if my disappearance (or my reappearance) has been (or is) cause for concern, I apologize, but there was a reason.
About a month ago I told my readers that I was taking a hiatus from blogging, then shortly afterwords I came back and posted the previous article, and then dropped out for the next month. So let me explain what has happened, back peddling a bit.
About two months ago I took my father to his endocrinologist for his routine examine. She gave him a clean bill of health, but she was concerned about his inability to answer questions and his confusion about taking his medications and getting prescriptions filled. She called me in and we had a talk about this decline in cognitive skills, and she then gave me the names and numbers of some gerontologists and neurologists.
My father, who will be 84 this Tuesday (April 5), is a retired teacher and until about 18 months ago was active in the Saint Vincent DePaul Society and the AFT Retirees of New Jersey. He wrote columns for the retiree's newsletter, and I featured his piece We Need More Than Another FDR on this blog on November 1, 2008. Within a year he gave up the column and his work with St. Vincent DePaul, and was given a dinner in his honor by the retirees in October 2009, and he received an award for service from St. Vincent in January 2010.
During a trip to visit my brother in Ohio in June 2009 Dad had trouble walking, and a little more trouble communicating that in the past. Being under the care of a cardiologist he had been taking a statin drug that his doctor thought could have been too high a dosage, so it was altered. His walking improved but his cognitive skills were not what they were only a short time before.
By the end of 2010 Dad was forgetting routine things, like how to open the garage door with the remote, where certain kitchen items were located (even some that were in the same spot for twenty years), and recent events. He would have CNN on TV most of the day, but when I mentioned "Tea Party" to him before the elections last year I had to explain to him what and who the Tea Party one point in his life Dad was the political junkie's political junkie. He was a virtual encyclopedia of American and New Jersey politics, and knew more about labor relations and law than any five congressmen of either party.
On February 9 of this year we visited a neurologist who gave Dad a routine test of thirty oral questions, of which he got 23 correct. He knew the season but not the date or month. He could write a complete sentence but could not spell "world" verbally. He was told to remember three items in a list, and was asked to repeat them a few minutes later. He couldn't do it.
In the past few weeks I took Dad for a Doppler reading to see if there were arterial blockages to his brain....there weren't. We went for an EEG to see if there was any evidence of a stroke.....there wasn't.
And he had an MRI done as well. Yesterday in the neurologists office we got the results. Dad had shrinkage in his brain that the doctor said was similar to the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease. The doctor did say that there was a 40% chance that his condition could be something other that AD, and that Dad would have to meet certain criteria - like a steady regression of cognitive skills over a period of time with no leveling off- to make a definitive diagnosis of AD. But as of now my Dad is being treated as a patient with the early stages of Alzheimer's Disease.
In the past few weeks I've had to commandeer Dad's driver's license, Medicare and insurance cards, as well as his credit cards so he won't misplace or loose them....and he has a couple of times. In the past two months we've found prescriptions that were written but never filled and we've started putting his pills out for him each morning, and we're making sure that he doesn't forget to take them.
To make a long story short, its been adjusting to a "new normal" around here, that's anything but normal. And to top it off, early this month my father answered a phone call from a "cousin" of mine who was supposedly in jail in Canada and said he needed bail money. He and my Mom were targets of an international scam that has victimized 60,000 elderly people nationwide.
As if there weren't enough on the plate than to deal with those lowlifes and spending part of the day reporting it to the cops.
Wednesday March 30
I'm back after a break of nearly 24 hours.....its a little harder to find time to write these days, and when I do have the time sometimes there isn't adequate energy.....and at other times, I just didn't feel like writing at all, or even logging on to my own blog. But I promise to be better in the weeks, months, and years ahead.
If you want to see a comparison about how my life has changed, take a look at at the column of my previous posts and look at 2009- you'll find 700 entries for that year. Maybe I'll do 70 in 2011....if that.
To say that 2011 has been an emotional roller coaster of year is pretty accurate- and its only the end of March. The sages tell us to never stop learning, and that's what I'm doing, maybe learning lessons of a lifetime.
I got a real lesson from an old retired school teacher on Tuesday who's neurologist was about to tell him he probably had Alzheimer's Disease. Dad and I were sitting in the doctors office....and I was noticeably more nervous than he was. A nurse came in and took Dad's blood pressure and pulse. The guy will be 84 on Monday, and his BP was 120/65 and pulse was 72. "That's great" my Dad said to the nurse, and she said "Yes it is".
Then the the doctor came in and asked us how we were....."Great!", my Dad told him. "I've already got two pieces of good news!".
When we left the doctors office and were walking to the car Dad said to me, "Well it could of been worse. At least my heart and blood pressure are good".
And that's my Dad in nutshell, possibly the most optimistic man you'll ever meet. He's the guy who kept saying "Bowl game next year!" back in the 1990's when Rutgers football was a national joke, complete with an 0-11 season in 1997. And sadly, today he can barely remember details of any of the more recent games.
I left the neurologist's office that day with a bounce in my step because I felt so proud that this sunny and courageous man is my father. He's always been a great Dad, but even a better person. How can you not love someone like him.....and I do.
Then Dad and I took a ride across town to Nathan's where we pigged out on hot dogs and fries.....we deserved it.
So life has changed for the coming years, and so will this blog. We'll be open for business, but the hours will be reduced. So if you knock and nobody answers, its probably because I'm a little tied up.
But I'll be back ASAP.
Appreciate each and every day...........
Up Late On The Last Wednesday Of March Thinking About Spending Time On The Texas Death Row
Looking out one of my viewing portals on the world one can guess from the steamy windows that it is cold out there.
40 degrees.
To swim or not to swim?
Yesterday morning I was obsessed with the woe of having to take care of my vehicular transport problem.
Everything about fixing that woe went well.
And then when I took off to drive, starting the vehicle was startling. The new starter starts the engine like an explosion. I don't think I'd realized how tired the old starter had become.
In non-vehicle news of the morning, I was surprised to learn this morning that someone in Texas is calling for a 2 year moratorium on executing killers in Texas. A man who was up close and personal to the Clarence Bradley travesty is leading the moratorium effort.
Two decades ago Clarence Bradley was released after spending 10 years on the Texas death row for a murder he did not commit.
I can't imagine how cranky it would make me to spend time on death row when I knew I'd done nothing wrong.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Elsie Hotpepper Got Me To Thinking About The Real Fine Times I Used To Have In My 65 Ford Mustang Fastback
Mine is not the one in the picture, but that one looks close to mine, color-wise.
I just got called and told my current mode of vehicular transport has been repaired and is being delivered.
Back when I had my first car I worked on it myself.
I hated working on a car.
I fixed all sorts of things on my old Mustang. New shocks, fuel pump, carburetor, I forget what all. I'd replace the spark plugs. On my current vehicle it is not possible for me to change the spark plugs. I don't think it has a carburetor. I used to change the oil myself on my old Mustang. I have no idea how to do that with my current vehicle.
Elsie Hotpepper brought to mind, a few minutes ago, my history of car troubles with my old Mustang. It would over heat. The spark plugs would get fouled. I got stuck on Lombard Street in San Francisco with the clutch slipping. That same clutch, on that same trip, totally went out in Hollywood, late at night, after having watched the live taping of a TV show at Paramount Studios.
Oddly enough, to get that Mustang clutch fixed all those years ago cost almost the same as today's starter repair, both slightly over $200.
Another fun, unplanned stop, in my old Mustang was when it overheated on the Oakland Bay Bridge.
It amazes me now, looking back on it, that I went on so many roadtrips in that unreliable car. It took me to Yellowstone, the Grand Canyon, numerous times to Los Angeles and Disneyland, up to Canada, down to Mexico.
I put a lot of miles on my old Mustang by the time it died.
The Queen of Wink's son is lobbying hard to get an old 65 Mustang from his dad. I told the Queen of Wink I did not think this was a very good idea. It'd be a 46 year old car. Where would you find parts? How much would they cost if you could find them? Then again, if you fixed an old 65 Mustang up to its original glory, they are worth a fortune now.
After my old Mustang no longer ran a guy saw it sitting in a forlorn pasture, gathering moss, in rural Skagit County. This guy paid me $12,000 for that long dead car that I'd only paid $1050 for my senior year in high school.
About a year after selling the old Mustang the guy who bought it showed up at where I was living in Bellingham, showing off my restored old Mustang. I have no idea now how this guy knew where I lived. I shall have to ponder that one.
A short time later I learned that the rear end of my old Mustang had come undone, causing my old Mustang to be totaled. No one was injured.
When my old Mustang was running good, it was the funnest car I've ever had. I had myself some real fine times in that car, real fine times.
Well, enough of that. I've just been informed my newly restored current vehicular transport has arrived.
Riding A Fort Worth Bus To Meet A Towing Truck & Talk To My Mom About My Aunt In Israel

I hopped aboard the #21 Fort Worth bus a little before 10 this morning to transit back to my disabled vehicular transport.
Fort Worth's buses are rather barebone and stark with a very fun, wild ride that reminds me of something you might get on board in a theme park.
I exited the bus at Barnett and Oakland and walked to my stalled transport. I was hoping for a miracle, that it would now start.
It didn't.
So, I called AAA. I was told it would take 35 to 40 minutes for help to arrive. Instead it was less than 10 minutes.
Then it was off to the repair place. And then back here where I await the diagnoses.
It was foggy this morning, then the fog turned into a light rain. I got a little wet out in it.
When I got back to my homebase zone I went over to Miss Puerto Rico's to take a picture of her foggy balcony view.
It is being a stereotypical Pacific Northwest winter day today in my area of North Texas.
I suspect enough rain has fallen today that March of 2011 will not set a record for the least rain recorded in North Texas.
I called my mom and dad whilst waiting for a bus today. I was surprised to learn my Aunt Judy is currently over in Israel. Somehow this does not seem to be a good time to be being a tourist in the Middle East.
My mom told me they are having a heat wave in Phoenix. I told my mom we are not having a heat wave in Fort Worth.
I'm in the mood for a heat wave.
Up Early The Last Tuesday Of March Thinking About Exploding Tankers, Melting Bridges, Texas Boondoggle Referendums & The Paradise Center Scandal
I suspect a heavy layer of clouds are lining the sky, because thunderstorms and rain are in the forecast for today.
I learned this morning that yesterday's tanker truck explosion on I-30, a couple miles to my west, caused the steel beams in the freeway bridge over Sycamore Creek to melt.
The westbound lanes of I-30 between Beach Street and Riverside Drive will be reduced from 4 lanes to 2, for months, while the Texas Department of Transportation makes emergency repairs.
Meanwhile up in Seattle, in other transportation related news, a group called Protect Seattle Now has managed to get over 27,000 signatures on a petition to put a referendum on the August ballot which will have voters voting on whether to go ahead with a multi-billion dollar tunnel project. Or not. 16,000 signatures are required to put a referendum to a vote.
Which has me wondering.
How come I don't read anything in the Fort Wort Star-Telegram along the lines of a group called Protect the Trinity Now has gathered over 27,000 signatures on a petition to put a referendum on the August ballot which will have voters voting for the first time on whether or not they approve of proceeding with the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle?
Maybe TRIP (Trinity River Improvement Project) has a petition in the works that I've not heard about.
Right now I am petitioning for the sun to arrive to provide illumination for my morning swim.
While I wait for the sun to arrive I have an incredible amount of fresh incoming Paradise Center Scandal material to digest. Including a pair of videos.
Monday, March 28, 2011
Justin beiber photos emerged showing him getting, and then sporting, a small tattoo on his torso or lower stomach or hip, whatever you call that part of body.
Today I Was Stranded On The Tandy Hills Causing Me To Walk To My Home Base
Monday started off fine, going swimming with the air heated to about 46, with the water a lot warmer than 46.
Then around noon I headed to the Tandy Hills.
Interstate 30, westbound, was still backed up due to the explosion earlier today of a tanker truck that was hit by a car going the wrong way on the freeway.
I just learned from Cat's Paw that the drunk driver of the car that hit the tanker survived.
This had the freeway closed at Beach Street. The Beach Street freeway exit is what you are looking at in the picture, in a zoomed view from the Tandy Hills.
If I had planned to go to Town Talk today I would have changed that plan due to Town Talk being on Beach Street.
When I was done with my hill hiking I got back in my vehicular transport to find that it would not start. I flipped open my phone to call for help to find my phone dead.
After a few minutes of pondering what to do, the only option I could think of was to walk the 4 miles to my home base. So, that is what I did.
Walking the mean streets of this town is a real eye opener. Does Fort Worth have the fewest miles of sidewalk in any major America city? It is real annoying to have to walk on the street. Or like you see above, the skinny sidewalk ends, turning into a dirt path. I remember walking all over Tacoma. I never saw any street without a sidewalk. With the sidewalks being of the wide variety.
In the above picture I am looking back towards the sidewalk's end you saw in the previous picture. What I'm trying to show in the above picture is the astonishing amount of litter.
I also saw one of my favorite Texas wildflowers for the first time this year. I believe these are called Evening Primroses, but I am not sure about that. We had a little bit of rain yesterday. I think that may have prompted the appearance.
The first time I saw these pink wildflowers was when I came to Fort Worth in May of 1998 to see if it was remotely possible that I would want to move here. Barely east of Amarillo I started seeing these delicate looking pink flowers along the road. After about 100 miles of seeing them I had to stop and check them out up close.
I have made arrangements to have my vehicular transport towed to a fix-it place. This will take place tomorrow. I hope.
The Last Monday Of March With Exploding Tankers & Heart Attack Grills In Dallas
It is only 47 degrees out there.
It did not warm up enough yesterday to dry my swimming suit, which I just retrieved from the aforementioned patio.
Some time past midnight a driver went the wrong way on Interstate 30, a couple miles to the west of my location, slamming in to a tanker truck, which exploded. Both drivers were killed.
I heard nothing.
I learned this morning, in what little of the Dallas Morning New online that I can read without being a subscriber, that Dallas is getting a Heart Attack Grill
The headline, "New Heart Attack Grill in Dallas’ West End sure to give some folks heartburn" caught me eye.
I clicked on the link and was able to read the following before getting the "Get Subscriber Content access to read this story" message...
"At the Heart Attack Grill, scantily clad “nurses” will serve high-fat offerings like milkshakes rich in butterfat and quadruple-decker burgers topped with cheese and bacon. Owner Jon Basso, who founded the restaurant in Chandler,..."
I believe the word that would have come after Chandler, had I been allowed to read the article, would have been Arizona.
Chandler is where my sister lives. I must remember to ask if she and my favorite brother-in-law have been to the Heart Attack Grill. I suspect the answer will be in the affirmative. My favorite brother-in-law is a burger lover.
The Heart Attack Grill has a website where the former Court TV reporter, Terry Moran, will tell you all about the health hazards involved in eating at the Heart Attack Grill and you will see some of the scantily clad burger serving nurses.
Yesterday I said that due to the slightly cold temperatures I would likely not go swimming this morning. But, I've changed my mind and have decided to go see if I can cause myself a bad case of the shivering trembles.
Talk to you later.
Snoop Dogg's Tattoo of Nate Dogg
This is exactly what I mean when I speak about getting a portrait from a reputable artist, this Ink work is amazing and easy on the eyes, you look at it and you know the person portrayed really meant something in the life of who's wearing it. When choosing an artist to do a portrait for you, keep in mind that when someone really means a lot to you, you will do your best to honor that person the best way possible. When people want a portrait they should want it to look like it is supposed to but sometimes people either get concern about a cost or simply don't do the necessary research before choosing the artist. When you go for something so meaningful like this you want the best, you want to show you really mean what you say, and you focus on keeping those memories alive forever. This is a great piece of artwork.
R.I.P. Nate Dogg
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Byron Velásquez - Abstract Black NYC Tattoos
Byron Velasquez, owner of Abstract Black, is not new to tattooing. With 20+ years experience he has worked alongside some of the best artists in the industry. In the late 90's Byron had the privilege to work with Leo Zulueta who was named "the father of modern tribal tattooing" Leo has been sited as one of Byrons's main influences and it shows in his work. After relocating to NYC, Byron was in a league of his own. At that time and still today he is one of a small handful of artists who specializes in tribal. This Individuality of craft launched the opportunity for the creation of "Abstract Black NYC".
Abstract Black NYC Tattoos
The studio is intimate and the atmosphere is warm. This has brought other artists of different backgrounds and artistic styles to work alongside Byron. The shop, the art and the family continues evolve spiraling ever forward. Stories are told, art is created and lives are changed. Come in and see for yourself, be a part of our future and let's make history.
Abstract Black is located at 621E 11th St
(between Avenue B & Avenue C)
New York, NY 10009
Neighborhoods: East Village, Alphabet City
Open: Mon-Sun 1 pm - 9 pm
A Dark Dreary Raining Last Sunday Of March In North Texas
As you can see it is a bit overcast. An extremely light slight drizzle dripped on me while I did my hill hiking today.
And now, coming up on 3 in the afternoon, the first big drops of rain I've seen this month are falling. Currently not in copious amounts. I don't know if this rain is hitting the official measuring station at D/FW Airport. Or if it will add up to enough to bring the total above the current record low for North Texas, set back in March of 1926.
I just heard a big BOOM of thunder. That's the first thunder boom I've heard in a long time.
It is now raining hard enough that it will quickly accumulate more than .1 of an inch, and then go on to break the .2 record low.
It has not gotten above 50 today. Right now it is colder than when I went swimming this morning. At that point in time the water was warmer than the air.
I don't see myself swimming tomorrow morning. And if this rain keeps up there will be no hill hiking tomorrow either.
Which means by about 2 in the afternoon I will be being cranky from extreme endorphin withdrawal.
Okay, we are now in downpour mode. But there have been no more thunder booms.
Have I ever mentioned I really like a good storm?
It has now let up. That was a rainstorm of very short duration. And the only thunderstorm I remember that had only one boom.
Up With The Sun On The Last Sunday Of March Thinking About Being In A Dallas Jail
Now that the sun has done its daily illuminating duty I can see we are under a bit of a cloud cover.
I do not believe any rain has fallen, so we are still on course for a record breaking lack of rain for a March in North Texas.
Rain is in the forecast for the next several days. It won't take much, only .01 to tie the 1926 March rain total.
I think I have previously mentioned that the Dallas Morning News online has gotten very annoying. Not satisfied with generating revenue via ads, the DMN online now only gives limited access, unless you pay a monthly fee.
This morning on the Dallas Morning News this headline caught my eye...
"Three years since being declared innocent, mans waits for ruling to set him free"
I clicked on the link and was able to read this....
"Three years have passed since State District Judge Rick Magnis found that Ben Spencer was innocent of a March 1987 deadly robbery in West Dallas. But Spencer, 46, still sits behind bars because the Court of Criminal Appeals hasn’t ruled on the judge’s recommendation that his conviction and life sentence...."
Before I came to this....
I would think that the Dallas Morning News webstats are likely way down, which likely has led to a big drop in their online ad revenue.
I think it is time to go swimming now.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Body Modification and Cultures
It is wonderful to see how many ethnic cultures have preserved their habits, ways of living and what they believe is the right way to live. Sometimes people in what is called "civilized" countries admire the way of living of people from many parts of the world and they do fantasize of living such loving, united and pleasant life, they wished they lived a way from noise and pollution and their big desire is to live in a jungle, a tribe or perhaps a life where people respect the right of others to live. Sometimes those who complaint of not having enough money to spend on a trip forget there is people who can't afford shoes or had never wore them at all, they might not know they exist. There is people in this world who don't care about things that we think we can't live without, still they got what we wish we had.
People around the globe have their ways of living and cultural differences that make them unique and allow them to have their own identity. Having their bodies modified since an early age is common and normal, it represent status or let everyone know where they come from without saying a word, could also be a warning for those who try to get in their way. When it comes to the so called civilized world things change, many years ago, having a tattoo was taboo and would make anyone think whoever wore them was associated with criminal gangs or was an ex-con, etc. Every individual has a reason to get a tattoo and all reasons are different from each other.
People have learned to accept tattoo and body modification in a great way and it is simply because they have taken the time to educate themselves and passed it on to others. Tattoos and piercings are more common this days and people who enjoy body modification in general have moved up to new options and more things to enjoy. Many years ago it was shocking to see someone with a tongue piercing and today, anyone can just have it. Today those who want to get to a higher level or want to upgrade from a tongue piercing, simply make an incision to make it look like a snake tongue (see posting below) cause they want something new, exciting and that not everyone dares to do, people have a desire to stand out from the crowd and thats not a bad thing at all.
Some people might be shocked to see something different or unique, but if they look around and read a bit of history you will realize body modification has always been there, it is nothing new and sometimes a generation present it to the next one as something bad or wrong. We have to keep in mind that regardless of a professional career if a person have a desire to identify with a community they will do it regardless of what others might say, just because it is not visible, doesn't mean is not there.
On Wednesday TRIP Invites You To Fort Worth's Historic Stagecoach Ballroom For The World Premiere Of The Movie Documentary "Up A Creek"
No, I am not going to be at the historic Stagecoach Ballroom to dance with Dancing with the Stars' Edyta Sliwinska and Alec Mazo. That pair will be giving dance lessons at Fort Worth's non-historic Universe Ballroom.
I had no idea, til today, that Fort Worth had ballrooms.
On Wednesday you can join me, if I show up, at the historic Stagecoach Ballroom to watch the world premiere of the documentary movie "Up a Creek."
"Up a Creek" looks at various impacts of the Trinity River Vision Boondoggle.
I do not know if "Up a Creek" includes footage of the infamous J.D. Granger UTA breakdown.
I have no idea what this documentary movie is rated. But, since it's about Fort Worth I expect it to be filthy, with a lot of trashy stuff shown.
The historic Stagecoach Ballroom is located at 2516 E. Belknap in Fort Worth. You can easily find directions by Googling "Stagecoach Ballroom Fort Worth." That is how I found out where the historic Stagecoach Ballroom is located.
On Wednesday, March 30, 2011, doors open at 6:30 p.m. with "Up a Creek" screening at 7:00 p.m.
This is a TRIP event. TRIP is an acronym for Trinity River Improvement Project. TRIP is a non-partisan, non-profit organization which advocates cleaning the Trinity River, while supporting development that does not spoil the natural aesthetics and historic nature of the river.
Go to the TRIP website for more information.
Hot Tandy Hills Hiking In Fort Worth With My Mom & Dad Gone Missing In Arizona
You can sort of tell from the picture that it is a warm day on the hills.
I think with all the hill hiking I do and all the swimming I do that I am eventually going to get myself in good shape and eventually lose all my unsightly weight gain.
I think I may go for an afternoon swim. It is 80 something out there right now, with a clear blue sky, which should make for some good sun lounging.
I called my mom and dad on Wednesday when I got gas in Hurst. My one longtime reader may remember I call my mom and dad whenever I get gas. They were not home when I called. Usually my mom then calls me back later in the day.
I'd forgotten about the Wednesday gas call when I got gas again today and called my mom and dad and again got the answering machine.
I guess I shall call my sister who lives in Chandler to find out what's up with my mom and dad. My mom and dad live in Sun Lake. About 8 miles, I think, from my sister's house. Chandler and Sun Lake are Phoenix suburbs.
I will likely hear from Betty Jo Bouvier now, harping about me going to Arizona to see my mom and dad.
In the meantime I'm going to go swimming and lay on a lounge chair for awhile.
Avoiding Tattoo Infection
Decades ago, tattoos could only be seen on outlaws, convicts, sailors or members of notorious gangs. Today, tattoos are part of body decoration.
However, you have to know first some safeguards for your protection. Remember, putting tattoo is like wounding yourself even if it is the henna type. Like any puncture or cut, having or tattoo puts you at risk for infections and disease.
Make sure you're up to date with your immunizations especially hepatitis and tetanus shots and plan where you'll get medical care if your tattoo becomes infected. To avoid problems, choose a trusted artist.
Signs of infection include excessive redness or tenderness around the tattoo, prolonged bleeding, pus, or changes in your skin color around the tattoo.
If you have a medical problem such as heart disease, allergies, diabetes, skin disorders, a condition that affects your immune system, or infections or if you are pregnant, ask your doctor if there are any special concerns you should have or precautions you should take beforehand. Also, if you're prone to getting keloids, it's probably best to avoid getting a tattoo altogether.
To make sure your tattoo heals properly:
* Keep a bandage on the area for up to 24 hours.
* Avoid touching the tattooed area and don't pick at any scabs that may form.
* Wash the tattoo with an antibacterial soap. Do not use alcohol or peroxide. They will dry out the tattoo. Use a soft towel to dry the tattoo. Just pat it dry and be sure not to rub it.
* If you don't have an allergy to antibiotic ointment, rub some into the tattoo. Don't use petroleum jelly — it may cause the tattoo to fade.
* Put an ice pack on the tattooed area if you see any redness or swelling.
* Try not to get the tattoo wet until it fully heals. Stay away from pools, hot tubs, or long, hot baths.
* Keep your tattoo away from the sun until it's fully healed.
Even after it's fully healed, a tattoo is more susceptible to the sun's rays, so it's a good idea to always keep it protected from direct sunlight. If you're outside often or hang out at the beach, it's recommended that you always wear a sunscreen with a minimum sun protection factor of 30 on the tattoo. This not only protects your skin, but keeps the tattoo from fading.
The Shadow Of The Skinny Dipping Thin Man Staying Dry In Texas Thanks To La Niña
It is currently 66 degrees.
Yesterday it got so HOT I turned on the A/C for the first time this year and learned my A/C is in malfunction mode, quickly in need of repair in case we get hit with a real HEAT wave.
The Pacific Ocean has been in La Niña mode for awhile now.
I forget what La Niña does to the weather in Washington. I think El Nino is when the West Coast gets hit with Pineapple Express rainstorms.
In Texas La Niña means drought. As in if it does not rain this week, March of 2011 will break the record as the driest in recorded history. We have had only .01 inch of rain this month, as measured at the official measuring station at D/FW Airport.
The previous record was .02 inches of rain, way back in March of 1926. I don't know where the official measuring station was back then. I know it was not at D/FW Airport, because the airport did not exist then.
All my previous Springs in Texas have been the wild weather time of the year, with big thunderstorms, tornadoes, torrential rains, windstorms.
I don't remember the last time I heard thunder or a tornado siren.
I hear the birds starting to chirp, which means the sun is arriving, which means I am going swimming in a few minutes.
Friday, March 25, 2011
Missing My Camera On The Tandy Hills Looking At The Stunning Skyline Of Beautiful Downtown Fort Worth
As you can see it is yet one more nice blue sky day in North Texas. Heated, currently, to 83 degrees.
More often than not at this time of the day I have downloaded a picture taken on the Tandy Hills, Veterans Park, Village Creek Natural Historic Area, or some other park.
I went hiking on the Tandy Hills today. The hike went much longer than the norm. Longer than the norm because of my picture taking camera.
I was at the western most part of today's Tandy Hills hike, looking at the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth. I reached into my pocket to get my camera to take a picture of the stunning skyline of beautiful downtown Fort Worth.
There was no camera.
Earlier on today's hike, heading down a steep trail, I had a bit of a stumble. I did not fall. But I stumbled enough that I thought the camera may have fallen out of its pocket.
So, I backtracked to the scene of the stumble.
No camera.
When I got back to my current location I was not too shocked to see my camera sitting in its usual location on my desk.
I am pleased to report that overnight the wildflowers have suddenly grown more numerous. I saw several large patches of bluebonnets along the freeway. Indian paintbrush is sprouting out in large numbers on top of Mount Tandy. I think it is going to be a good wildflower season after all.
The Last Friday Of March Swimming, Blogging, Website Updating, Hill Hiking & Calling A Plumber
Due to the extreme darkness you likely can guess I am up early on this final Friday of March of 2011.
It is a pleasant 61 degrees outside right now.
The sun is beginning to arrive, doing its daily lighting duty. Soon it will be bright enough for my morning swim.
Other than swimming, blogging, website updating, hill hiking and calling a plumber I have no clue what I'm going to do today.
I think I'll knock the swimming thing off my to-do list right now.
Talk to you later....
Home is Where the Star Is
Except, sometimes, a fragment of a tattoo doesn't necessarily reveal the whole piece. As in Jonathan's case, I saw the back of his arm, and this segment, which resembled (to me, at the time), a crude figure with the beginning of a speech bubble emanating from its mouth:
I felt rather silly, however, when Jonathan agreed to participate and showed me the full tattoo:
The figure I imagined, of course, is really Long Island, and the balloon was the southern tip of the state of New York.
Jonathan explained that he is from Rochester, marked on the tattoo with a star, and that he lived in the same house growing up there for eighteen years. It's a New York state of mind, indeed.
The tattoo was done at Big Joe & Sons Tattooing in White Plains, New York.
Thanks to Jonathan for sharing his stately tattoo with us here on Tattoosday!
If you are reading this on another web site other than Tattoosday, without attribution, please note that it has been copied without the author's permission and is in violation of copyright laws. Please feel free to visit and read our original content. Please let me know if you saw this elsewhere so I contact the webmaster of the offending site and advise them of this violation in their Terms of Use Agreement.
Last Rites Gallery Announcement
In lieu of these recent hardships, we are deeply touched by Yoko's contribution to our upcoming "Song Of The Sirens" group show of her uplifting painting "Goddess", and her offer to donate her share of the sale of this piece to the relief effort. In her own words: "In this painting I depicted a goddess that could save the people of Japan from the Tsunami. I hope she will rescue people in Japan, my homeland, from despair. "title: GODDESS size: 16.1 x 20.9 in chacrylic on coated wood panel (framed) $2200 USD Last Rites will also be donating the gallery portion of proceeds on this piece so that 100% of the sale cost will go toward the relief effort.
If you are interested in purchasing this featured painting, or donating otherwise toward the Tsunami relief, please contact the gallery:
Sincerely, Paul Booth & The Last Rites Team
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Types of Body Modification
Explicit ornaments
Body piercing – Permanent placement of jewelry through an artificial fistula; sometimes further modified by stretching.
Ear piercing – The most common type of body modification.
Dermal anchoring Similar to transdermal implants, giving the appearance of a small bead on the skin.
Pearling – Also known as genital beading.
Neck ring - Multiple Neck rings are worn to stretch the neck.
Scrotal implants
Eyeball tattooing – Injection of a pigment into the cornea.
Extraocular implant (eyeball jewelry) – The implantation of jewelry in the outer layer of the eye.
Surface Piercing – A surface piercing is a piercing where the entrance and exit holes are pierced through the same flat area of skin.
Microdermal implants
Transdermal implant – implantation of an object below the dermis, but which exits the skin at one or more points.
Surgical augmentation
In contrast to the explicit ornaments, the following procedures are primarily not meant to be exposed per se, but rather function to augment another part of the body, like the skin in a subdermal implant.
Breast implants – Insertion of silicone bags filled with silicone gel or saline solution into the breasts to increase their size, or to restore a more normal appearance after surgery.
Silicone injection
Subdermal implant – implantation of an object that resides entirely below the dermis, including Horn implants.
Removal or split
Hair cutting
Hair removal
Male circumcision – the partial or full removal of the foreskin, sometimes also the frenulum – conversely some men choose to take up foreskin restoration.
Female genital cutting – removal of the labia minora or the clitoral hood.
Genital bisection – splitting of both the underside and the top of the penis, including Genital inversion.
Meatotomy – splitting of the underside of the glans penis.
Headsplitting – splitting of both the underside and the top of the glans penis.
Nipple removal
Nipple splitting
Nullification involves the voluntary removal of body parts.
Body parts that are removed by those practicing body nullification are for example Fingers, Penis (penectomy), Testicles (castration), Clitoris, Labia or Nipples. Sometimes people who desire a nullification may be diagnosed with body integrity identity disorder or apotemnophilia.
Subincision – splitting of the underside of the penis, also called urethrotomy.
Lingual frenectomy
Tongue splitting – bisection of the tongue similar to a snake's.
Trepanation, drilling a hole into the skull.
Applying long-term force.
Body modifications occurring as the end result of long term activities or practices.
Corsetry or tightlacing – binding of the waist and shaping of the torso.
Cranial binding – modification of the shape of infants' heads, now extremely rare.
Breast ironing – Pressing (sometimes with a heated object) the breasts of a pubescent female to prevent their growth.
Foot binding – compression of the feet of girls to modify them for aesthetic reasons.
Anal stretching
Non-surgical elongation of organs by prolonged stretching using weights or spacing devices.
Some cultural traditions prescribe for or encourage members of one sex (or both) to have one organ stretched till permanent re-dimensioning has occurred, such as: The 'giraffe-like' stretched necks (sometimes also other organs) of women among the Burmese Kayan tribe, the result of wearing brass coils around them. This compresses the collarbone and upper ribs but is not medically perilous.
It is a myth that removing the rings will cause the neck to 'flop'; Padaung women remove them regularly for cleaning etc.
Stretched lip piercings – achieved by inserting ever larger plates, such as those made of clay used by some Amazonian tribes.
Branding – controlled burning or cauterizing of tissue to encourage intentional scarring.
Ear shaping (which includes Ear cropping , Ear pointing or "elfing")
Scarification – cutting or removal of dermis with the intent to encourage intentional scarring or keloiding.
Tooth filing
The head of a man with conspicuous tattoos and other body modifications. Some sources of controversy stem from the notion of attempting to artificially beautify the natural form of the body, often leading to charges of disfigurement and mutilation. Extreme forms of body modification are occasionally viewed as symptomatic of body dysmorphic disorder, other mental illnesses, or as an expression of unchecked vanity.
Unlicensed surgery (i.e. the plastic surgery field) performed outside of a medical environment can often be life-threatening, and is illegal in most countries and states."Disfigurement" (a subjective term) and "mutilation". (regardless of any appreciation this always applies objectively whenever a bodily function is gravely diminished or lost, as with castration) are terms used by opponents of body modification to describe certain types of modifications, especially non-consensual ones. Those terms are used honestly uncontroversially to describe the victims of torture, who have endured hurt to ears, eyes, feet, genitalia, hands, noses, teeth, and/or tongues, including amputation, burning, flagellation, piercing, skinning, and wheeling.
"Genital mutilation" is also used somewhat more controversially to describe certain kinds of socially prescribed modifications to the genitals, such as circumcision, female circumcision, castration, and surgeries performed to conform the genitals of individuals with intersex conditions to those of typical males or females.
Individuals known for extensive body modification.
Rick Genest, has had his entire head and torso tattooed so as to appear like a human skeleton.
Pete Burns, had extensive polyacrylamide injections into his lips, along with cheek implants, several nose re-shapings and many tattoos.
Elaine Davidson, the "Most Pierced Woman" according to the Guinness World Records.
The Enigma
Lolo Ferrari
Julia Gnuse ("The Illustrated Lady")
Cindy Jackson, had more cosmetic surgery procedures than anyone else in the world.
Katzen ("Cat woman")
Tom Leppard, formerly considered by the Guinness Book of World Records to be the world's most tattooed man.
Erik Sprague ("The Lizardman"), with sharpened teeth, full-body tattoo of green scales, bifurcated tongue, and recently, green-inked lips.
The Scary Guy, his nose, eyebrows and ears are pierced and tattoos cover 85 percent of his body.
Lucky Diamond Rich, holds the Guinness world record as "the world's most tattooed person" as of 2006.
Hao Lulu, extensive cosmetic surgery in 2003 to alter her appearance, tagged "The Artificial Beauty".
Horace Ridler ("The Fantastic Omi"), tattooed in a pattern of curved black stripes, often described as zebra-like.
Pauly Unstoppable, the first person to get the white of their eye tattooed.
Stalking Cat ("Cat man") Stelarc, got a cell-cultivated ear implanted into his left arm.
Jocelyn Wildenstein ("Lion Queen / Cat Woman")
Fakir Musafar, having exposed himself to body piercing, tightlacing, scarification, tattooing and suspension.