Saturday, November 20, 2010

We're Going Into Our "Holiday Schedule"

No, "Righties". The President isn't blessing the turkey, only pardoning him. I'm still trying to figure out what Ole Tom did get arrested in the first place


First I'd like to thank all for taking the time to read and comment on this little old blog over the past year. It's always uplifting to see so many people from the United States and other nations drop in and read the drivel that I commit to the blogosphere.

As you know I usually try to add at least one new entry per day throughout most of the year. In 2009 I decided to limit myself to three posts each week from about Thanksgiving to the beginning of the New Year. Very simply, real life starts to take precedence for the end of the year holidays, and this year it seems to be a little hectic just a little bit earlier. I'll have a house full pf people by Thursday, and after that comes Christmas preparation and shopping- not just for me, but for my parents as well. To those who don't know my Mom and Dad are in their 80's and I'm their primary caregiver at this point. I'll be Christmas shopping for them, and for myself as well.....and yes, it is going to get a bit hectic. To be honest, it already is.

So rather than leaving readers guessing "whassup?" when I don't post for a day or two, that's the reason.

I'll commit to three entries per week from next week until early January 2011. But that's not cut in stone.....if there is something I want to comment on that I think requires it, I'll chime in.

But my bottomline is I need to create just enough space for myself for the next five weeks to take care of personal things.

See...even bloggers have "lame duck sessions".

Seeya later.

"Hugh Jee"

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