Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Primary Day In NJ; Even If It's To Rubber Stamp, Take Time To Vote

It's the first Tuesday after the first Monday in June, and therefore it's Primary Day in New Jersey and many other states. Today in the Northeast the weather is wonderful, about a 15 on a 1-10 scale, forecast to be 70 degrees with a slight breeze and not a cloud in the sky- as close to perfect as you'll get. There are no excuses here for not voting; even in an uncontested primary you'll have the chance to show support for your party's candidate. And in contested elections, you'll be given the opportunity to select the best candidate of your party of choice for the November general election.

This primary will give you (if you are a registered voter) a chance to declare a party affiliation should you wish to do so and have not- you'll be a part of the process that may make a difference in the general election.

And even if your party's candidate is running unopposed and for some reason you wish to voice opposition, you may do so by picking a write in candidate as your choice; it may not mean a lot in the selection process, but it will do wonders for your conscience by saying in honesty that you opposed your party's nominee, and can do so with a straight face.

So....I'm going to take a walk over to the little Orthodox church around the corner, and do my civic duty.

And then I can come back to this keyboard and hammer any and all persons and things political feeling a bit better and empowered to do so.

I don't say it enough, but "thank you, Founding Fathers".

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