Monday, January 31, 2011
The Sarah Palin- Tea Party Battle Hymn
To close out the month of January.....with a civil unrest in Egypt, healthcare reform under attack from courts, the lingering images of the Tucson massacre, and much too much snow.....let's say "GOOD RIDDANCE!" to this nasty month with a laugh or two.
Below, from The Young Turks, Cenk Uygur prsents a couple who've written a battle hymn for Sarah Palin and the Tea Party that must be seen and heard to be believed.
See you next month!
Tonight Battling Wal-Mart Grackles While Thinking Of The Super Bowl Buffet If The Ice Storm Gets Real Bad
I was at Wal-Mart just as the light of the sun was dimming for the day.
Around 6.
Wal-Mart was super busy with what looked like panicked people stocking up on supplies due to the incoming Arctic Blast which starts arriving sometime in the wee hours.
I believe rain is expected at first, followed by sleet by the time the sun returns, Tuesday morning, followed by snow.
So, tomorrow may be a Snow Day in North Texas. I know I won't be going to school. That's for sure.
I did not do any panicked food buying in anticipation of an Ice Storm. I can walk to an Albertsons and a Krogers across the street from my abode. And several restaurants, including the best Chinese buffet I've been to in the D/FW Metroplex, with the very odd name of Super Bowl Buffet.
I do not know if the Super Bowl Buffet is having anything special on the buffet for the Super Bowl.
On The Tandy Hills Looking At A Smoggy Fog Enveloping Downtown Fort Worth As Locals Go Nuts Over The Pittsburgh Steelers & ESPN
Of the four short skyscrapers that you can see through the fog/smog, the one on the left is the Omni Convention Center Hotel. This is where one of the NFL teams is staying that is in North Texas for the Super Cold Bowl next Sunday.
I don't know if Fort Worth gets the Pittsburgh Steelers team or the New Orleans Saints. I know the buildings in both the downtowns of Dallas and Fort Worth have been color-cordinated to match the conference colors that town's team.
I know I've read which town is which color, but I forget. I believe one is blue, one is red. I also know I could likely get the answer to this probing question with about 5 seconds of Googling.
I just went to the Star-Telegram to see if I could easily find out what team is in town.
Well, apparently the Pittsburgh Steelers arrived today and were greeted by a big crowd of screaming football fans. An ESPN person said they'd never seen this level of excitement so early in Super Bowl Week.
The Star-Telegram said Fort Worth has never seen anything like ESPN.
Below is a blurb from the article in the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, titled A Texas-sized howdy for ESPN on 'opening day' ...
The TCU band blasted its music across Sundance Square, and the cheerleaders rocked the crowd. Mayor Mike Moncrief meted out some inspirational words, and Ed Bass shook more than a few hands. And that was all before 5 o'clock in the morning, all before ESPN even began broadcasting Monday from downtown Fort Worth.
ESPN folks said they never had seen such enthusiasm, not this early in Super Bowl week anyway. And, of course, Fort Worth never has seen anything like ESPN.
This is all starting to seem somehow sad to me. Maybe I would understand if I were a football fan.
Germans, Italians put the rest in the shade
Also published in this month's Alicante News is this attractive chart which shows that direct applications to OHIM from important markets for designs such as Germany, Italy, Spain and the US showed a slight decline compared with earlier years, while those from France and the UK have risen a little.
The Grace-Period Trap -- or "don't say it's a copy and you'll be all right"
"Out there, in the numerous articles of the Community Design Regulation (CDR) lies a trap you’d better be prepared for.This blogger hopes that the Alicante News will produce a feature soon on traps which the system can set for the villains of the peace to fall into, rather than traps to ensnare the innocent and the deserving.
Its latest prey is an application which included evidence for the exhibition of a prior design identical to the contested RCD at an International trade fair in Germany around six months before the filing date of the RCD. The applicant claimed that the holder of the RCD has copied the prior design as a result of having seen it at the fair.
The Invalidity Division rejected the application (decision ICD 6682; in Spanish) because of Article 7(2) CDR which stipulates that a disclosure of a prior design is not taken into account if it happened less than 12 months before the filing date of the RCD and if it is a result of information provided by the designer of the RCD. Since the applicant insisted that the RCD is a copy of the prior design the Invalidity Division took it that the designer of the RCD must be the same person as the designer of the prior design and that the exhibition at the fair must be ignored because it was a result of information provided by the designer of the RCD [if you've read this sentence several times and still don't get the logic don't worry -- you're not alone].
In a similar case (decision ICD 5627, in German) two brothers were arguing about who copied whom. One was trying to invalidate the RCD of the other based on lack of novelty in view of his identical prior design. The evidence submitted by the applicant to prove the disclosure of the prior design was perfect but nevertheless the application was rejected due to Article 7(2) CDR.
The provision of Article 7(2) CDR, in particular the 12-months term, is called the grace period. It was intended as a remedy allowing designers to test the success of new creations on the market first and decide later – within 12 months – whether to seek protection by registering with OHIM. The grace-period clause secures that designers do not endanger the validity of their protection rights by making their designs available to the public prior to registration.
However, Article 7(2) CDR is of no help where another person, having learnt of the new design during this 12-months period, registers it with OHIM earlier than the designer. The only venue for the designer to be heard with a claim of ownership is an action before a national court under Article 15 CDR.[sounds like a design fault in the CDR]
An action under Article 15 CDR requires solid proof for the ownership. Without such proof it is better to file an application for a declaration of invalidity which includes all the evidence for the disclosure of the prior design but does not comprise any arguments as to a possible connection between the prior design and the contested RCD.
In the example above (ICD 6682) the Invalidity Division would have accepted the application and cancelled the RCD for lack of novelty if the applicant had not felt the need to give an explanation why the RCD is identical to the prior design, namely the first being a copy of the latter allegedly. Likewise in the case of the two brothers (ICD 5627) the fight over the ownership of the design was not helpful for the cause.
The grace period of Article 7(2) CDR can be a trap for an application easily triggered with unnecessary arguments of ownership in invalidity proceedings where those arguments do not belong".
The Non-Freezing Last Morning Of The First Month Of 2011 With An Arctic Blastl Heading To North Texas With A Wind Chill Below Zero
If the weather prognosticators are to be believed this will be the last morning, for awhile, that will not be well below freezing, as we are heading into one of the most significant cold spells in North Texas in many years.
Just in time to greet football fans arriving for Sunday's Super Bowl.
Thunderstorms may be booming later today.
Strong winds will be blasting in Tuesday night, bringing the Big Chill, with the wind chill plunging to below zero.
Yesterday, when I saw all the temporary Super Bowl structures built on the former parking lots that surround the Dallas Cowboy Stadium, the first thing that crossed my mind was what if those things get blasted by a windstorm.
If it gets windy during daylight hours I think I'll go hang out on the Stadium Wal-Mart parking lot to watch what happens live.
In the meantime I am not going swimming this morning.
Genital Piercings
"A lot of people who are interested in body modification but have careers, families; they get curious about modifying their body, but don't have to worry about how people will react," said Matt Funaiole, a body piercer at Imperial Body Art.
In an interview with, Elayne Angel, a professional piercer in New Orleans and Medical Coordinator for the Association of Professional Piercers, reported that most people get genital piercings to bring increased stimulation for both parties during sex.
If the idea of piercing your "Johnson" makes your head spin, don't worry. According to Funaiole, it's actually more awkward than painful. Most men aren't used to having their package handled by a stranger, much less having it pierced.
Funaiole also said the frenum and Prince Albert are the two most common types of piercings. The frenum piercing is located on the underside of the shaft, and is usually perpendicular to the frenulum. The Prince Albert goes through the frenulum and into the urethra.
"Most people who do get below-the-belt piercings are comfortable with their sexuality," Funaiole said. "A lot of piercings increase sensitivity. Sometimes it's just strictly ornamental to decorate the area."
If genital piercings are properly done and cared for, the risk of infection is low.
"Both male and female anatomy has lots of blood flow to the area," Funaiole said. "Fluid exchange during the healing process is the biggest problem. Use protection."
Funaiole also advised that people be cautious of where they go to get pierced.
"If a piercer says they're a certified body piercer, they're lying," Funaiole warned. "There is no such thing."
If your pain threshold is low, but you still want to sparkle up your manly bits, there is the option of penazzling — adding jewels to decorate the area around the penis. Vagazzling was originally endorsed by Jennifer Love Hewitt, but has been adapted to fit males, too. They can be applied at a salon or at home.
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Finding Mutant Trees With Elsie Hotpepper Today Walking Around Fort Worth's Fosdic Lake
Well, it has been tarted up like a cheap one of those types that a big flashy billboard warns you not to employ, that you see when you exit I-30 to try and check out the stadium.
So, I got back here, feeling like I'd had done plenty of walking for the day, when I got a call from a forlorn Elsie Hotpepper.
My one longtime reader may remember of late I have turned down a couple Hotpepper hike requests. And I also turned down last night's Hotpepper saloon hopping request.
When Elsie called me around noon, sounding forlorn, and asking if I would go walking again with her around Fosdic Lake, I figured I was already tired of walking, so doing the slow Elsie Hotpepper walking would not bug me too bad.
So, I went walking with Elsie Hotpepper today.
I'd noticed the tree at the edge of Fosdic Lake that you see above previously. But not til Elsie saw it and said it looked mutant did I wonder if it was. For years fish that live in Fosdic Lake have not been safe to eat.
It seems possible that a tree who's roots sucked its water from Fosdic Lake might grow up to be the mutant tree you see here.
Maybe I should be more agreeable to doing some more Elsie Hotpepper hiking. Apparently when you walk slow you see things you do not notice when you are moving fast.
I should have taken Elsie Hotpepper with me to check out the Super Bowl today. Who knows what she would have noticed that I didn't?
This afternoon the National Weather Service issued one of their "SPECIAL WEATHER STATEMENTS" all in CAPITALS, which in Internet speak indicates one is shouting.
Apparently our recent bout of balmy warm weather in North Texas will be coming to an end by Monday night with the arrival from cold Canada of an Arctic cold front.
Snow is possible on Wednesday, with a chance of significant white stuff falling on Friday. Friday is the day of some of the Super Bowl Parties that I have not been invited to. With many more on Saturday. That I have also not been invited to. Followed by Sunday's biggest Super Bowl Party of all. The actual game. Which I may watch on TV.
Methinks Mother Nature is conspiring with the Powers That Be to deliver an icy punch that probably was not what the NFL was looking for when they agreed to come play a game in Jerry Jones' shiny new stadium.
Below is the National Weather Service message in its shouted entirety....
A Visit To The Dallas Cowboy Stadium A Week Before The Super Bowl
I figured Sunday morning there would be few people, no traffic, easy to find a place to park.
As I am way too often, I was wrong on all counts.
The first bit of Super Bowl signage that you see here is not on the Dallas Cowboy Stadium, it is on the Ballpark in Arlington, facing the Cowboy Stadium.
Last week I'd read a letter to the editor in either the Fort Worth Star-Telegram or Dallas Morning News where the letter writer opined that he was appalled at the effort Arlington had gone to to spruce up the town in anticipation of visitors coming for the Super Bowl, and then to find that effort negated by all the tackiness that the NFL has sprung up around the Cowboy Stadium.
Texas does a good job of tacky at times. I had to see it for myself.
I don't know that I would call what I saw today tacky. But I can say that what is going on around the Cowboy Stadium may be the strangest thing I've seen since I've been in Texas.
And that covers an awful lot of strange things.
That letter writer mentioned the big fence/wall that has been erected on the east end of the stadium. I have no idea what that wall is stopping us from seeing. I thought maybe it was surrounding the $200 a ticket Party Pass Plaza zone, but it was not located directly outside the east end zone, which is where you get to pay $200 to stand out in the cold for 4 or 5 hours.
Speaking of cold. The National Weather Service has just issued a Severe Weather Warning. We are scheduled to get as low as 12 degrees by Wednesday. Five days before the Super Bowl.
See that long line of white? It is stretching across the former parking lot on the east end of the stadium. I had no clue what this was.
And then I met this nice gentleman named Ludlow Ruckmaker (name and gender changed at the gentleman's request).
Ludlow told me that this long white tent line is how Super Bowlers will enter the stadium. It is where they will go through security.
Ludlow told me he'd been following the progress of the stadium all the way back to the initial destruction of dozens of homes and apartment complexes, with the displacement of 1000s, in what many consider to be the Worst Case of Eminent Domain Abuse in American History.
When I told Ludlow I'd also been following the Dallas Cowboy Stadium progress, eventually he remembered meeting me before. On my website.
I had wondered why the Party Pass Plaza was only at the east end zone, when there are Party Plazas outside both end zones. Today I saw the reason. On the west side of the stadium the parking lots have been covered by the biggest temporary buildings I have ever seen.
HUGE things that look as if they must have multiple levels. In the picture above you can see what looks like a glass barrel roof between two white temporary structures.
Above I am standing across from the stadium, on Collins Street, looking east at those temporary buildings I just showed you. The pictures do not do justice to how big these are.
Now, what I'm thinking is North Texas tends to have rather dramatic weather. I have been involved with 2 balloon festivals that were destroyed by windstorms.
The Dallas Cowboy Stadium sits in the Buckle of the Bible Belt. There are a lot of people who think that the way the land was taken to build this stadium was all sorts of wrong.
I'm not one who believes there is a vengeance seeking God looking to right wrongs and punish evildoers.

God may likely already be a bit cranky with the Super Bowl, due to the fact that one of the churches near the stadium has cancelled next Sunday's services and is, I believe, selling parking spaces.
That football that you see above, with the Dallas Cowboy Stadium behind it, is in the Stadium Wal-Mart Supercenter's parking lot. That Wal-Mart has a lot of footballs and baseballs stuck on it.
A Mexican TV Station was broadcasting from the Wal-Mart parking lot. The broadcast truck that was powering the equipment had Mexican plates. The guy on the left was interviewing the guy on the right. I figured this might be a Univision show.
Some of the locals seemed quite familiar with the guy who was on the right, taking turns having their picture taken with him. I figure he must be a Mexican TV celebrity. Not til I got the picture off the camera did I realize one of the guys in the picture was wearing a cheese hat.
See the elaborate graphics that have been added to the stadium? Again my pictures do not do justice to how big this is. The end zone graphic is equally impressive.
The parking lots on the east end are covered with a lot of media vehicles, sort of like a combination of an RV and a train boxcar. An elevated catwalk has been built for the media, in this area to the east of the Party Pass Plaza. I guess so pictures can be taken of the people freezing, while standing outside the stadium during the Super Bowl.
The north bound lanes on Collins, by the stadium have been closed off. As have the eastbound lanes on Randoll Mill. This is making for some slow traffic. I've no idea if this is a temporary thing while all the stuff on the parking lots is getting worked on. Or what. The road that you can usually drive on at the east end of the stadium is completely blocked off.
Is this all normal for a Super Bowl? Or has Texas gone and done the Everything is Bigger in Texas thing for this particular Super Bowl?
And what takes place in all those temporary buildings on the west parking lots?
It is all very perplexing. And I've still not been invited to any of the dozens upon dozens of Super Bowl Parties.
If you live in the D/FW zone, trust me, it is worth it to venture into the Dallas Cowboy Stadium Zone to see what happens when a Super Bowl comes to a Texas town.
Last Sunday Of First Month Of 2011 Visiting Dallas Cowboy Stadium Week Before Super Bowl & Monitoring Egypt Via Twitter Tweets
I'm thinking I will be a pool boy this morning.
After that I think I'll go check out the Dallas Cowboy Stadium zone this morning. It is a week to go before Super Bowl Sunday.
I read a letter to the editor a few days ago from a man in Arlington complaining about the irony of the fact that the City of Arlington has spruced itself up for the Super Bowl, and then the NFL came to town and totally tackified the area surrounding the stadium.
I am a big fan of all things tacky, so I figure it's worth a look.
Yesterday, in various cities around the country, there were protests in support of those protesting in Egypt. I don't know if there were any support rallies in the D/FW zone. I know several west coast cities had rallies, including Seattle.
When the Egypt type events occur, like when Iran went into upset mode, is about the only time I somewhat get the utility of Twitter. Reading the Twitter Egypt Tweets is sort of like instant news. Within minutes thousands of Tweets show up.
Like right now apparently the Egyptian Air Force is buzzing protesters with jets.
Below is an example of the Tweet flood from a minute ago...
@emptywheel Audible on AJE: Two jet fighters just flew overhead #Egypt
@Di438 #Egypt Protesters shouting over noise of Jets flying overhead @AlJazeera #Freedom
@KristoferKeane Egypt deploying fighter jets against protestors? What outcome do they even expect from that? Are they planning to bomb them?
@TheNewsBlotter #egypt protesters in #Tahrir Square writing “Down w Mubarak” in Arabic in big white letters
@jhagel RT @nolanjazeera: Aljazeera Cairo bureau has been shut down. Just visited by plain clothes govt security, TV uplink is now closed #Egypt
@JodyField Egypt protests: U.S. advises all Americans to leave and 30,000 Brits are stranded
That's enough Egypt Tweeting. Time to go swimming now. Talk to you later.
Saturday, January 29, 2011
40 Years Ago On This Date A Kid From Jersey Joined The Air Force
January 29, 1971 was a cold day in New Jersey, around 18 degrees in the morning. I packed light for my trip to Texas. I was beginning a new job; in a few hours I would be a federal employee, performing a similar job my father once had, and his father before him. I would be flying, but I had no need for a ticket; the taxpayers of the United States were picking up the tab. But first I had to get to the Federal Building in Newark. That's where I was to sworn in; in a few short hours life as I knew it would be gone forever, as would the adolescence I managed to hang onto as even after I had turned 20.
Because shortly after lunchtime I would cease to be Joe Civilian and would be known from that point, and for several years until I gained the rank of sergeant, as Airman. I was to take the oath and sworn in as a member of the United States Air Force, and before the day was out I would be in my new home, a barracks somewhere at Lackland Air Force Base, just outside of San Antonio, Texas.
I was too young and too foolish to be scared- I only felt a sense of relief that at long last all of the questions about would I or would I not be drafted would be over . No, I was not drafted.....but the specter of the draft made me choose the Air Force. I was joining by choice, but with more than a little nudging. My draft lottery number was 40, which meant I would probably receive a draft notice within the next two months. I had taken a pre-induction physical by orders of Selective Service two weeks before. Even though I was, and still am, incredibly nearsighted I could tell by watching what was happening around me of what was to come- I would be classified "1A", meaning I was able to serve.
It would just be a matter of time before I received a letter that said GREETINGS!
The problem was I really didn't want to go in the Army. There was this conflict you might have heard of in Vietnam, still raging in 1971 with no real end in sight. Truth be told, I was one of those long haired hippie types who knew what kind of guitars Neil Young and Stephen Stills played, but couldn't tell an M-16 from an MG. And besides, I had some authority issues as well- I flunked out of one college (maybe I should have gone to class), and dropped out of another.
So....I was draft bait. Uncle Sam wanted me....and to be honest, I was going reluctantly. And I'll bottomline this as best I can without getting into all of the late Sixties rhetoric. I hated the war in Vietnam; I bought the whole song and dance about saving Vietnam from Communism while I was in high school.....but in April of my senior year Martin Luther King was murdered. And in June, Robert F. Kennedy's life ended from Sirhan Sirhan's bullets. And my illusions of the life in America began to change in that turbulent year of 1968. I loved my country, then and now. But the land that I saw as a child as perfect had- in my eyes- some very serious flaws.
My mantra became "Save Vietnam, so they can be like us? And have leaders murdered almost routinely?". It was a time of civil unrest, well documented. Nineteen sixty-eight was a heck of year to be sent off into adulthood.
Anyway, while at my pre-induction physical, and knowing I was mere weeks away from being drafted, our whole group of "pre-inductees" were in a holding area where we saw new recruits being processed into the US military. We watched a group of guys coming in thinking they were being drafted into the Army; they were told to count off in three's. When they were done, the Army sergeant processing them told all of the three's to step forward and move across the room. After they followed his order the sergeant told them, "Congratulations....all of you men are going to be Marines".
We watched this cautionary tale before our eyes, and some of us looked at the far end of holding area; there were recruiters for the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force in little cubicles. We were still in our underwear, holding the final paperwork from our pre-induction physicals. One guy sitting next me said, "That's it, I'm seeing if I can get in the Navy". I thought he made a good choice. And with little hesitation I took a walk to the Air Force recruiter and asked him if they were still taking volunteers. My entire thought process of thinking about joining the Air Force and actually doing it was about 30 seconds. I don't think I've ever made a life changing decision so split second before or since.
After I turned my medical papers over to the sergeant at the desk, he asked, "Do you want to go next week?"
" about in two weeks?", I countered.
"Sure....we need you to fill out some more paperwork". And I obliged.
And.....that was that. I had to come back the following Saturday and take some aptitude tests, but that was it. I was going into the Air Force.
Now....some may ask, if I hated the war so much why didn't I resist the draft or go to Canada?
Very simply.....I hated the war. I didn't hate my country. My country frustrated me, sometimes it made me angry....but people and things we love usually have a way of doing that. Going to jail to make a point may be the right thing for some people, but it was not my way. and as for going to Canada to avoid the draft....I never considered it. If I had gone into a self imposed Canadian exile in my own heart and soul I would have forfeited my voice forever; in good conscience, I could not do it. Go ahead and serve, just like Dad and Grandpa did during the World Wars, and I would have paid my dues. I had a right to be heard. I am an American, and in the future no one could silence me if I didn't wish to be silenced.
And so two weeks later, Mom and Dad tearfully drove me to Newark, where I said my goodbyes as stiff-lippedly as I could- I hated to watch my Mom cry. And after lunch at the Federal Building we freshly minted US airmen got on a bus to Newark Airport, where we got on an old Braniff Airlines 727- each one was painted a different color; no wonder they went broke. During the flight to San Antonio we hit an airpocket; the beautiful blond flight attendant fell into my lap momentarily. She apologized, and I smiled but couldn't think of a clever thing to say. Little did I know she would be the last woman I would come in contact with that closely for many a month.
At San Antonio it was close to 70 degrees in the evening...remember, this was January. We bussed from the airport to Lackland AFB under the direction of Sgt. Sawed Off, a little guy with glasses and a squeaky voice. There was about a dozen of us from New Jersey; soon we were joined by about twenty guys from Brooklyn, and some from Ohio, and to keep it interesting, about ten more from Mississippi. These were the 50 men I would be with during basic training....we stood on a drill pad where we met our "TI's" (Training Instructors)....let's call them Tech Sgt Face Like Clenched Fist and Staff Sgt Gold Tooth. Gold Tooth did all the talking. After introducing themselves Gold Tooth gave us our first order.
"From now on the first and last words out of your mouth when addressing me or any Training Instructor will be 'Sir!' Now, you hogs have ten minutes to get get all beards, moustaches and sideburns shaved, get your filthy asses in that dorm....RIGHT NOW!"
Now....there were 50 of us in the latrine scrambling for space to shave in the five sinks. One guy, Bill from Brooklyn, shaved so fast and sloppily that he had what looked like a Hitler moustache over his lip, but it was really a scab. It was a Friday night and we wouldn't officially begin training until Monday. We'd spend one last weekend in our civvies, sleeping in an open bay barracks. Gold Tooth got us out of bed at 5:00 AM the next day; first the light went on, and if you didn't move Gold Tooth flipped the bed over with you in it.
He only had to do it once; there were no repeat offenders.
Monday we got our heads shaved and were issued uniforms, and training began. I can remember some details of those days like it happened last week, and I can recall the smells, and tastes, and emotions, and even how the weather was for duration- it was Texas in the winter, temperatures ranged from highs in the 70's to near freezing.
I remember how the chow hall smelled outside on those chilly mornings; you could smell the bacon and hotcakes from 100 yards away.
And on the Monday we got our heads shaved we left the barbershop and were to march over to the uniform distribution center. We were supposed to get in the same formation behind the same guy we marched in with. The problem is, everybody looked different without any hair. The only way I found the guy who I was supposed to behind in formation was to look for the strange red birthmark he had on the back of his neck. I found him, but it took awhile.
I remember a kid from New York named Leroy who was dry shaved by Gold Tooth because he had too much stubble.
And there was mail call....and those letters from home that always made your day.
There was the first base liberty we had after two weeks of training- we were given $30 and freedom to go around the base (with certain limits) for a Saturday. I remember going to a hamburger stand, and ordering a chocolate shake after two weeks of nothing but Air Force chow and only Air Force chow....I never missed something so much in my life as I did those chocolate shakes. My God it tasted good. It was perfect.
There was Sgt Screech, who subbed for Gold Tooth one day, and got into my face, informing me that I marched like I have a corn cob shoved up my ass.
One cold morning that winter Tech Sgt. Face Like A Clenched Fist told us that Joe Frazier beat Muhammad Ali the previous night in Madison Square Garden. The whole world was watching that fight....everybody except basic trainees that is.
Then... I got the flu, and was laid up for 48 hours. I ended up missing M-16 training, which I had to make up before leaving Lackland. I had to spend an extra week there to make up "wet fire" on the range. And surprise...I qualified as a marksman.
I started going to chapel on Sundays because there were WAF's there. I had to reassure myself that women were still part of the human race; those six other days I hadn't seen a woman, and of course we had no TV or radio.
In March we were allowed to go into San Antonio on a 12 hour pass. It was St. Patrick's Day, and the river was dyed green...but were expressly forbidden from even thinking about buying a drink. It was our final week of training, and there were military police all over town watching and waiting for recruits to step out of line.
While in San Antonio on the Riverwalk, I saw an Army Sergeant a few yards away. He had a lot of fruit salad on his uniform, and appeared to be a combat vet. He turned and looked in my direction.....half his face had been melted away by napalm. That horribly scarred face has been locked in my memory banks all of these forty years. I wonder what ever became of the guy.
Lackland was the beginning of my military adventure. I never was sent to Vietnam. After Lackland I was stationed at Sheppard AFB near Wichita Falls, TX for a few months, then it was on to Hill AFB near Ogden, UT (onetime home of Donnie and Marie) for two years and then RAF Lakenheath, a British base in East Anglia leased by the US Air Force.....I was there for my final two years.
I saw a lot of the United States, and the world. And like most aspects of life there was good and bad, but for the most part there was more good than bad. But what I remember most of those days were the people, the guys who I befriended, some of whom exposed me to books and ideas I was previously unaware of, and of their own uniqueness. There were some great people, incredible parties, and a live for today attitude.....the phone could ring, and we could be told at any moment to get ready, we're being reassigned to Southeast Asia.
There are stories of those many.
But that mind have to wait for another cold snow day when I feel like sharing some "war stories"....well, sort of.
Kayan Women
Each coil is replaced with longer coil, as the weight of the brass pushes the collar bone down and compresses the rib cage. Contrary to popular belief, the neck is not actually lengthened; the illusion of a stretched neck is created by the deformation of the clavicle.
Many ideas regarding why the coils are worn have been suggested, often formed by visiting anthropologists, who have hypothesized that the rings protected women from becoming slaves by making them less attractive to other tribes. Contrastingly it has been theorized that the coils originate from the desire to look more attractive by exaggerating sexual dimorphism, as women have more slender necks than men.
It has also been suggested that the coils give the women resemblance to a dragon, an important figure in Kayan folklore. The coils might be meant to protect from tiger bites, perhaps literally, but probably symbolically.
Kayan women, when asked, acknowledge these ideas, but often say that their purpose for wearing the rings is cultural identity (one associated with beauty). The rings, once on, are seldom removed, as the coiling and uncoiling is a somewhat lengthy procedure. They are usually only removed to be replaced by a new or longer set of coils. The women do not suffocate if the rings are removed, though the muscles covered by them are weakened.
Many women have removed the rings for medical examinations. Most women prefer to wear the rings once their necks are elongated, as their necks and collar bones are often bruised and discolored from being hidden behind brass for so long. Additionally, the collar feels like an integral part of the body after ten or more years of continuous wear.
HOT Saturday Tandy Hills Hiking With The Queen Of Wink & Elsie Hotpepper Saloon Hopping While Betty Jo Bouvier Ponders Stripping For The Super Bowl
You would be guessing right. It is currently a balmy 76 degrees.
Until my phone holding arm started to go numb the Queen of Wink went hiking with me today.
The Queen of Wink has hiked on the Tandy Hills with me previously. The first time she got a bad case of the vapors and required hiking assistance.
I tell you, the details of what goes on in the Queen of Wink's Realm would give a prime-time TV Soap Opera plenty of material. Or just film the Queen of Wink 24 hours a day and you'd have yourselves something fit for Bravo TV.
The Real Housewife of Wink.
Separate from the Wink Soap Opera material the Queen of Wink may be heading for a visit to New York City due to her widespread reputation as a Sinkhole Expert.
I thought we long ago established Gar the Texan as the Go To Expert Guy for anything to do with sinkholes. I may be remembering wrong.
Before I took off from here to do some hill hiking I called Elsie Hotpepper to see if she wanted to enjoy the great outdoors with me.
She didn't.
But, Elsie asked me if I wanted to go saloon hopping with her tonight. I am not a very big fan of saloon hopping, so I politely declined.
Maybe a little saloon hopping with the Hotpepper would be good for what ails me. I don't know. What I do know, for sure, is the last time I went saloon hopping with Elsie Hotpepper it took me about a week to feel as if I was totally recovered.
And then there is Betty Jo Bouvier. I know she is known as the Wild Woman of Woolley, but, even so, her most recent question surprised me. Betty Jo asked me if it was true that the D/FW area is in need of 10,000 extra strippers for the Super Bowl. I asked if the reason she wanted to know this was she was thinking of flying in to earn some quick, easy money. To which Betty Jo replied, "It may be quick, but not easy."
I had no idea Betty Jo Bouvier did stripping as a sideline. I knew she was a Zumba dancer, though, which I guess must somehow lead to an interest in being a stripper.
I think maybe I need to close my windows. It feels like HOT air is blowing in here....
Up Late On The Last Saturday Of January In A Dark Mood Waiting For An Invitation To A Super Bowl Party
Apparently, if I am understanding correctly, today pretty much kicks off Super Bowl Week here in my zone of Texas.
In the coming week there are BIG parties all over the D/FW Metroplex.
Mark Cuban is hosting, along with HDnet, a Super Bowl XLV party at Victory Park the day before the Super Bowl. This party is only open to those who receive an invitation. I have not received mine yet.
Pamela Anderson is hosting a party called the Dallas Super Bash 2011 at the Fashion Industry Gallery in downtown Dallas. There will be some Playboy Playmates on view. I do not know what the Playmates degree of clothing will be. Tickets are only $500 if pre-bought, $750 at the door.
Apparently, Playboy and Maxim magazines are known for hosting the best Super Bowl parties. Totally separate from the Pamela Anderson party the Playboy party will be on Friday the 4th at the Aloft Hotel in downtown Dallas. The day after that Maxim will have its party at Centennial Hall at Fair Park in Dallas.
Sports Illustrated is also having a B4 party at Fair Park, in the Tower Building, on Friday, the 4th, with the Super Bowl halftime performers, the Black Eyed Peas, being the hosts.
At the same time the Black Eyed Peas are busy at Fair Park, the singer known as Prince will be singing at an event called The Event, at the location formerly occupied by Reunion Arena.
Meanwhile, in Fort Worth, ESPN's The Next Bash is a private, by invitation only party at River Ranch on the north side of the Fort Worth Stockyards. I don't know what day The Next Bash takes place. I do know I have not been invited.
Also in The Stockyards, at Billy Bobs's Texas, Coors Light is throwing its annual Super Bowl Party. It is on Friday, the 4th. It is also an invitation only event to which I have not been invited. Blake Shelton will be singing to the invitees.
So many parties. What is a Party Animal like me to do?
Probably just stay home and brood in my dark mood. Waiting for an invitation.
Friday, January 28, 2011
T-Pain "Like" Tattoo
Lately some Celebrities have been going from "underground" to "pop" when it comes to their tattoo. To each its own, if you like it then it is your problem the same way if you regret it will be your problem as well.
Each person got their own personal reasons to choose a design therefore it shouldn't be anyone's business but at the same time freedom of speech allows anyone to agree or disagree on anything.
I would've preferred Gucci's Ice Cream Cone to be slightly smaller and perhaps what make it look a bit hideous might be the size of such Ice Cream cone or perhaps the location, people are used to see tiny Tattoos on the face.
Does 72 Degrees On The Last Friday Of January Make This The Hottest Day Of The New Year In Texas?
I'd left my camera at home.
Of late I never leave home without my digital image recording device.
So, today when I got back from the Tandy Hills I took a rare afternoon picture of the view through my patio prison cell bars.
The pool looks inviting doesn't it? It'll look even more inviting to you when I tell you the current temperature is 72. It is January 28 and I have all my windows open. Hiking was done in shorts and t-shirt today, with the t-shirt eventually being removed.
It has not been this balmy in my zone of Texas for quite some time. This is probably the hottest day of the new year.
I have not heard from that slow walking Elsie Hotpepper today. I think she may be mad at me for complaining about her slow walking.
A few minutes ago someone calling him or herself "Anonymous" asked if I pick up litter when I am out and about hiking. I told "Anonymous" that I pick up litter all the time, not just when hiking.
I have to go now. I see some litter that needs to be picked up down by the pool.
An Amazing Amount Of Litter Indicates It Is Perfectly Okay To Mess With Texas
This is particularly noticeable when a lot of rain washes an amazing amount of litter into the Trinity River.
You see a lot of "Don't Mess With Texas" signs in Texas. I've been here for awhile now and I still don't understand this slogan. It obviously has nothing to do with no littering.
I took the picture with the "TRUE TO TEXAS" beer can at one of my favorite Fort Worth locations, Oakland Lake Park.
In this morning's Fort Worth Star-Telegram there was a litter letter-to-the-editor, with the litter letter writer making an amazing litter claim....
Road hazard
Passengers of designated drivers must consume a large volume of alcohol. On a two-mile stretch of highway south of Benbrook, I counted 1,638 cans that had been thrown out of vehicle windows. That was in addition to all the bottles.
Do you think a few people have forgotten "Don't mess with Texas"?
-- Allen McDermott, Fort Worth
I would think Mr. McDermott was exaggerating if I'd not seen similar things in Texas with my own eyes. But, I've never taken the time to count cans. I don't know if I could count that high without getting distracted.
Yum Yum Food Truck Back In Downtown Fort Worth Proving You Can Fight City Hall & The NFL & Win During The Super Bowl
Starting Monday, the Yum Yum Food Truck will be back serving burgers and burritos to Fort Worthers and non-Fort Worthers visiting Downtown Fort Worth.
What changed Fort Worth's City Hall and the NFL's position on the super-sensitive Yum Yum Food Truck issue?
Could it possibly have been that City Hall and the NFL heard the collective noise being made from locals via various media? And realized how Dumb the Yum Yum Food Truck ban was?
Southern Ink Exposure tattoo convention.
Over the three days of the tattoo convention itself, the Pavilion will play host to some of the biggest names in skin ink from all over the world. "Regulars" Joe Johns and Nick Chaboya from the US, Canadian Glen Paradis, Jay Jay from Sweden, Gordon Claus from Germany and Tom Tattoo from Italy will be rubbing shoulders with local skin kings and queens such as Garth Stauton, Reverend Simon White, Tyler Murphy and Gray herself.
The Southern Ink Exposure tattoo convention takes place at the CTICC this weekend.
Up Way Before The Sun 25 Years After The Space Shuttle Challenger Blew Up
It is currently a relatively balmy 11 degrees above freezing.
I was surprised when I saw that today marks a quarter century, 25 years, since the Space Shuttle Challenger blew up soon after it was launched.
I do not remember if I was watching that launch live, or not. Were launches even carried live at this point? Again, I don't remember. Had CNN been born by January 28, 1986? I don't remember.
But, I suspect this launch was covered live due to school teacher Christa McAuliffe being on board.
The idea of sending a school teacher into space as some sort of stunt seems sort of bizarre to me now, 25 years later.
The coolest thing I've seen since I've been in Texas, even cooler than my first Ice Storm experience, was the night landing of a Space Shuttle. We'd been told what time to watch the western sky. I was starting to think this was going to be a dud when suddenly a bright white ball of light appeared above the barn. Moving incredibly fast.
I don't remember which of the Space Shuttles this was. As it streaked across the sky the Space Shuttle left a glowing trail behind it. Most spectacular thing I have ever seen above me. Ten minutes later I was inside watching the Space Shuttle land in Cape Canaveral.
And now the era of Space Shuttles is about to end, with America once again not having a manned space flight program.
Way back when the Challenger blew up could anyone have imagined a scenario where America would be relying on the Soviets, which is what we called Russians back then, to take Americans to space in a Soyuz capsule?
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Getting a Tattoo? Be creative
Sometimes is hard to come up with a straight idea when it comes to choosing "The perfect Ink job". A reputable artist can help you decide, choose and also give you ideas in order to achieve what's desired so badly. The first thing the customer needs to do is to think or have an idea of what's wanted instead of simply walking to a shop and then choose whatever is on the wall.
It is best if the person chooses a design that has an actual meaning to them or something they relate to instead of choosing a design because it looks pretty or because was seeing on someone else. Always remember to be unique (as in custom work).
Something that also helps a lot is by choosing a few designs that can be altered a bit, have additional details added and make the project look outstanding but in harmony. It is good to find an artist that can pull it off and make it look like an actual entire piece instead of a few patches all over the place.
The basics on ear stretching.
1. Get your ear / ears pierced professionally. Yeah, your mate can do it with a safety pin, but trust me, you're saving yourself a scarring and complications down the line.
2. Once your ears are COMPLETELY healed (I'd leave it for two months), buy either a 1.6mm or 1.2mm straight titanium body bar. These are the standard sizes for most body piercings and will easily be available. If you're not sure what you're looking for, just ask the staff. They're usually affordable. Push the bar through your pierced ear slowly, it will seem like it isn't going to fit at first, but it will with a bit of wiggling and determination.
3. After your ear has healed from the first stretch (give it at least two weeks) you can stretch up to 2mm. Use a titanium taper.
4. Continue in this way until you reach your desired size. Always leave at least two weeks between each stretch and always only go up by 1mm - otherwise you risk a blow out... A blow out is scar tissue pushed through the back of the ear. Not pretty! Once you reach 5mm, start wearing plugs or tunnels - don't wear tapers. If you get to a point where it is getting difficult to increase in size, try using tea tree oil to help to ease it in - never force a stretch.
Q. Does it hurt?
A. Everyone has a different pain threshold. All I can say is try it and find out yourself, but don't expect it to be pain free.
Q. Is it normal for it to still sting the day after I stretch it?
A. Yep. It can sting up to the point when it heals.
Q. My ear lobe is throbbing / aching / very tender / swollen / weeping / bleeding - what should I do?
A. You can either choose to take it out totally and leave it to heal by itself - tea tree oil and antiseptics can help in the process. If you think you can still stretch, baby your ear like you fear it's going to drop off - rub tea tree oil into it at least three times a day, downsize about 2mm and let it get some air until it's totally healed.
Q. What is a 'blow out'?
A. Scar tissue which forms and eventually gets pushed/ pushes itself through the back of your ear. If you get a bad blow out, it's extremely unlikely that your ear will shrink back to a 'normal' size. They're also really unattractive.
Q. What's the difference between a taper, a plug and a tunnel?
A. A taper is a cylinder which is sealed at both ends and 'tapers' into a thin point, they can be straight, curved or spirals. Tapers are used for stretching until the healing point ONLY. Tapers shouldn't be worn past the healing point as the uneven weight distribution can cause uneven stretching, creating scarring and a longer healing process. A plug is a cylinder usually sealed at both sides, they can be used to stretch or to wear past the healing point. A tunnel is a hollowed out plug which you can see through from one side to the other, it can be used to stretch or to wear past the healing point.
Q. What materials should my jewelry be made from?
A. Practically anything so long as it is fully sealed and treated after your ear has fully healed. Only use materials which can be autoclaved during each stretch. Titanium, plastic and silicone are the most common. Stainless steel, wood, bone and polished stone are also quite popular.
Q. Where can I buy tapers / tunnels / plugs?
A. Your local piercing parlor will definitely sell them, a lot of tattoo parlors sell them too. Otherwise, there are LOADS of shops on eBay which sell body jewelry and plenty of web stores to choose from, too.
Q. What is the smallest size of plug /tunnel? What is the largest?
A. The smallest I've seen or heard of is 2mm. Plugs and tunnels can be custom made, usually past 2" you will find it harder and harder to find 'off the shelf' jewelry and will need to find somewhere that will make them for you.
Ps: only use recommended makers / sellers!
Q. Will it shrink back to a 'normal' size? When is the 'point of no return'?
A. It's different for everyone. Mine personally shrink back over night from 12mm to around 8mm, it would shrink further the longer I left it but probably only as far as 2mm. 'The point of no return' is usually considered to be around 1.5", though it is obviously different for everyone.
Q. If I stretch it up to a certain size, will it continue to stretch by itself?
A. No, your ear can only stretch up to how far you want it to stretch.
"Depending on the size of the gauge, weight of the jewelry, and age of the person, your stretched ears can become loose and stretch a little larger. Ear weights (heavy jewelry) are designed to slowly stretch the lobe over time to fit a larger gauge piece.
This is generally done for much larger gauges because lets face it, I've never seen a taper 2" wide so they aren't very common if they exist at all. Naturally as someone gets older the elasticity of their skin breaks down therefore sagging and if accommodating weight, can stretch. "
This is why I usually recommend light weight jewelry.
Q. Why does it smell?
A. Because you're not washing it. You should wash both your jewelry and ear lobe every day. I wash mine when I wash my face - morning and night. I usually rub some tea tree oil into it once a week.
Q. My friend went from 1.6mm to 10mm in a week - why are you saying I shouldn't?
A. Because your friend will most definitely now have caused scarring / a blow out, if they should want to shrink back at any point, they probably wont be able to. It's also likely that despite your friend's macho 'It didn't even hurt!' it will have hurt like a bitch - stretching at a healthy rate should not hurt more than a slight sting.
Sarah Palin, Sputnik and a REAL "WTF" Moment
On MORNING JOE (on MSNBC) Joe, Mika, Willie and guests watched a clip of Greta Van Susteren's interview of Sarah Palin critiquing President Obama's State of the Union Address, complete with her use of the acronym "WTF" to describe areas of his speech. I'm pretty sure she knows what it means- and it's not "Winning The Future". Surely Palin probably got some yucks from the knuckleheads who think she should run for president in 2012. But what was really interesting was Palin's response to the term "Sputnik Moment", meaning that event that challenges America to get up, be more competitive, excel, and win, just like the US did after the Soviets launched Sputnik in 1957 and America entered and eventually won the space race.
Hmmmm. That answer kind of reminded me of something I saw years ago. From another former pageant contestant.
Anyway....back to the original subject.
Wouldn't it have been merciful to all who still care about Sarah Palin to have Greta Van Susteren just stop Palin in the middle of her gibberish and say....."Governor Palin, you really have no idea what a 'Sputnik Moment' refers to, do you?".
But I guess the Fox News audience would have turned on Van Susteren, called her a "RINO", and demand her firing.
I guess Uncle Pat Buchanan deserves some high marks, however. At least he had the good sense as not to try to spin her words.....and the reaction from the MORNING JOE regulars was priceless.
One more time......this woman knows NOTHING.
The Official Mid Winter Cabin Fever Is Killing Me Entry
Above- the view of my street after 14 inches of snow fell in Central New Jersey last night. It's only January and already it's made it to #6 snowiest winter of all time in the NYC Metro area
I used to kid my brother who now lives in northern Ohio about living in a snow belt, with lake effect snows and even days when it's so cold snow comes down with no clouds in the sky.
So I suppose there's some reverse karma at work right now....the New Brunswick area is starting to look like Ashtabula. But we were among the luckier ones; we never lost power (6,500 residents did) and my cousin in Clifton got socked with 19 inches of the white stuff.
Yesterday we had two separate storms, the first of which was 4 inches of wintry mix that began in the wee hours of Wednesday and ended in the early afternoon. Then it was the main event, a Nor'easter that had ripped through Florida early in the week and churned up the coast with warm air hitting cold air in the Mid-Atlantic, causing "thunder snow" (see previous post) and freezing rain that felt and sounded like a tropical storm, then a changeover to a heavy, wet snow that downed trees, powerlines, and made travel impossible in these parts. Central Park in New York recorded 19 inches of snow and passed the 30 inch mark for the month; this was the snowiest January in New York's recorded history.
And we've got two more months of winter to go.....Groundhog Day can't come fast enough. Please Phil, give us some good news!
Everyone who reads this blog regularly knows I'm no youngster....heck, I still own a SONY WALKMAN (and it still works). And I'm starting to feel the physical ravages of removing snow two and three times a week.
But I must admit....snow sure can be beautiful, even awe inspiring. And it's more aesthetically pleasing than gray skies, brown lawns, and bare trees.
Here's some pics from the first few minutes prior to the beginning of snow removal.
The back patio. Check out the picnic table
The deck in the back garden
The back door, freshly dug out!
The view from the top of the driveway before I started removing snow. At the end of the driveway is a five foot tall wall of snow, courtesy of a township snowplow.
The Old Homestead
Somewhere under that four foot pile of snow are daffodil bulbs hoping to make an appearance sometime in 2011.
Fun Hotpepper-Free Hiking With Illicit Assignations Today On Top Of Mount Tandy
I was overdressed for hiking the Tandy Hills today. Long pants and a long-sleeve shirt were way too much clothing material covering way too much skin.
In other words I overheated just a bit in the balmy mid 60 degrees temperature.
Elsie Hotpepper so enjoyed our walk around Fosdic Lake yesterday that she asked to go Tandy Hill Hiking today.
But, the Hotpepper Hiking Time Frame was way past my scheduled hike time.
Yes, I could have time shifted, but the truth is, I don't know how much I'd enjoy Hotpepper Hill Hiking. I think I already mentioned Elsie talks fast and walks slow. I could see where the steep Tandy Hills would likely very quickly Overheat the Hotpepper.
I entered the Tandy Hills today from the top of Mount Tandy. I was semi-pleased to see that the Tandy Shrine is back under construction again. Semi-pleased I say, because it is so disheartening to see the Tandy Shrine grow back to its former glory, only to see it destroyed yet one more time.
I think some people are under the erroneous assumption that the top of Mount Tandy is an isolated parking zone. As in, when I returned to my vehicle, I saw two more vehicles had arrived.
The drivers of those two vehicles appeared to have no interest in hiking, but were instead involved in some sort of strenuous looking activity in the smaller of the vehicles. The frequency of what appear to be illicit assignations seems to be increasing in this location.
99 mentions of 'design', but it's really a copyright case
As the headnote states, the case concerns a "National law [that of Italy] precluding copyright protection or rendering it unenforceable for a certain period in the case of designs which entered the public domain before the entry into force of the law". The court considers the effect of Article 17 of Design Directive 98/71 on Italy's copyright law, Article 17 being the provision that permits cumulative protection by design and copyright law and, by inference, which also permits protection by copyright even where the work in question was formerly protected by an expired design right. There's also some interesting analysis of the principle of the protection of legitimate expectations, a doctrine of which I suspect we have yet to hear the last.
Background and illustration here.
Up Early The Last Thursday Of The First Month Of 2011 After A Night Of Nightmares & A Morning Learning From Mayor Moncrief That Fort Worth Has Been Cleaned For The Super Bowl
It is not freezing this morning at 3 degrees above the frost point. Even though it is not freezing I still think I'll avoid swimming this morning.
I had a rough night last night. I was up late talking to Elsie Hotpepper. After that I had myself a fitful night of nightmares.
Both nightmares had me back in the house I grew up in in Burlington, Washington. The first nightmare involved little troll-like monsters who were like Tasmanian Devil human flesh eaters.
The troll nightmare did not bother me too much, but the second nightmare of the night did. It involved snakes, lots of them. Inside the house, with my mom chasing them with a broom. At one point it was a copperhead and it was heading right at me.
I woke up.
And then immediately after waking up something made me think a snake was slithering on my bed. This caused me to let out what must have been a bloodcurdling scream.
On a different nightmare note. This morning's Fort Worth Star-Telegram online had an article on the front page titled "Mayor declares Fort Worth ready for Super Bowl Party."
I assumed if Fort Worth's Moron Mayor Mike Moncrief was doing some declaring that it likely was goofy and mockworthy. But, the Star-Telegram would not let me read the article. I'd get about 2 paragraphs in and I'd get switched back to the front page.
Eventually I succeeded in quickly copying and pasting the article into Notepad so I could successfully search for the goofy Moncrief quote.
I was not disappointed.
Here is what Moncrief said in declaring that Fort Worth is ready for the Super Bowl, even though the game is not being played in Fort Worth, "Are you ready for some football? Fort Worth is ready. When you're going to have a party at your house, you clean house. You want to make your home attractive. We are ready."
I guess I need to go visit Downtown Fort Worth. I can't imagine what it must look like now that it has been cleaned and made attractive.
Also, the article about being ready said that volunteers will be posted throughout the city to help visitors navigate Cowtown.
I can't help but wonder how this navigation system works. And where it is that visitors are navigating to.
"First Taste" Art Show at Bound for Glory Tomorrow Night!
Now, I'm not a big fan of Staten Island (nothing against the people, just my least fave borough), but the fact that the show is curated by Friend of Tattoosday, Magie Serpica, makes it worth the effort. Magie originally appeared on Tattoosday here.
Here is the spiel from the show's Facebook page:
"First Taste"
This is our first art show at Bound For Glory! It will feature the art of many awesome local Staten Island artists, as well as select works from some tattooers nationwide.
The art will be for sale and a portion of the proceeds will go towards Project Hospitality, a local charity which feeds the hungry, shelters the homeless and cares for people with HIV/AIDS.
...The opening reception will be on Friday Jan 28th at 8pm. There will be refreshments, which will be generously donated by local businesses such as Starbucks, Jeans Fine Wine & Spirits, and The CupCake Bar NYC.
Everyone is invited!
This show is curated by Bound For Glory's lady tattooer Magie Serpica
Participating Artists:
Mike Shane
Richie Clarke
Kev/psyn of RobotsWillKill
Chris of RobotsWillKill
Ethan Morgan
Cynthia Von Buhler
Dave Borjes
Brendan Coyle
Amanda Curtis
Chris Sorrentino
Lauren Monardo
Terry Lee Chandler
Charles Tagle
Marina Inoue
Frank Kempo
Chelsea Bunn
Danny Loveridge
Justine Lordo
Veng of RobotsWillKill
Vinny Rega
Tara Anne McCloskey Chillemi
Jennifer McMenemey
Magie Serpica
Nick Caruso
Emma Griffiths
Alexander Rivera
Tom Connors
Victor Modafferi
Sarah Smith (sas photos)
Scott Bakoss
Steve Lapcevic
Miss Elvia
Demetrius Felder
Maya Ventura
Bert Krak
Gina Venosa
Mike Hooligan
Eric Perfect
Alex Sherker
Dennis Del Prete
Charlie Foos
Steven Huie
We will be selling raffle tickets for an awesome gift package including: a gift certificate from Comic Book Jones, Some T-Shirts from Robots Will Kill, & "An hour in the chair" with Magie Serpica!
Assuming I can dig my sister's car out from under a new foot of snow by tomorrow evening, I plan to attend and report on it next week, with a photo or two, to boot. Hope to see you there!